Vaginal Atrophy of Menopause Treatment In Ayurveda


Menopausal genitourinary syndrome refers to the symptoms of menopause, which include not only genital symptoms, but also sexual symptoms and dysfunction. Menopause is a stage in a woman’s life that marks the end of her reproductive years. After the body is weakened, the woman cannot conceive, and it occurs at the age of 45–55, which belongs to natural old age. Menopause is caused by decreased oestrogen levels in the blood due to the loss of ovarian follicles. Hormonal changes can affect a person’s physical, emotional, and mental health. It includes symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, genital dryness, and genital atrophy (drying and thinning of genital tissue), also known as menopause. In this article, we will talk about various changes and symptoms, which we will discuss in more detail in the article.

Vaginal Atrophy or Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause


Vaginal atrophy is a condition in which thinning, drying, and swelling of the tissue in the vagina are involved. This is due to the decrease in oestrogen produced by the body. It commonly occurs in womens who have gone through menopause naturally. It is a chronic, progressive syndrome that occurs, and various multiple changes are seen in the External genitalia, pelvic floor tissue, and loss of libido caused by oestrogen deficiency during the menopausal transition.

Causes of Vaginal Atrophy

  • During Menopause, there is a reduction in the production of oestrogen in the Ovaries.
  • Less oestrogen lowers the amount of normal vaginal fluid and causes various changes in the acid level in the vagina.
  • Due to low oestrogen, the lining of the vagina gets thinner and becomes less stretchy.

There is a drop in oestrogen due to

  1. After menopause
  2. Surgical removal of both ovaries (Oophorectomy)
  3. Chemotherapy
  4. Breast cancer hormonal treatment
  5. Birth Control Pills
  6. Pelvic radiation therapy

Oestrogen receptors are found in the vagina, vulva, and urethera. When these hormones are imbalanced, it leads to symptoms that show various changes in tissues.

  1. Thickening of skin
  2. Reduction in the flow of blood
  3. Loss of elasticity

Symptoms of Vaginal Atrophy

There are various symptoms, including

1. Genital Symptoms

  • The vaginal epithelium becomes thinner and inflamed with erosions and bleeding.
  • Vaginal changes, which include Burning, dryness, and loss of elasticity
  • Inflammation
  • Vaginal Obliterations
  • Labia agglutination
  • Loss of pubic Hair

2. Urinary Symptoms

  • The bladder trigone and urethra contain much oestrogen. There is a decline in muscle mass and strength when there is a decline in oestrogen level.
  • Increased frequency, nocturia, and Incontinence.
  • Cystitis with a deficit in oestrogen level.
  • Decreased collagen and sensitivity of smooth muscle.
  • Loss of urethral wrinkles
  • Excess hydration of the skin
  • Lower the tissue regeneration
  • Incontinence Dermatitis
  • Bleeding in urine (hematuria)

3. Sexual Symptoms

  • Coital activity is uncomfortable due to poor lubrication, stenosis, and precancerous clitoris atrophy.
  • Vaginal dryness and pain are increased due to physical and chemical irritation.
  • Loss Of Rugae
  • Dyspareunia
  • Pain is increased due to physical and chemical irritation

Diagnosis of Vaginal Atrophy

  • Pelvic examination
  • Urine test
  • PAP test
  • Ultrasound
  • Vaginal infection test

Risk Factors of Vaginal Atrophy

  • Premature menopause
  • Smoking
  • No vaginal births
  • Lack of sexual activity
  • Breastfeeding
  • Some cancer treatments
  • Immune disorders
  • Oophorectomy


  • Vaginal infection
  • Genitourinary atrophy

Ayurvedic Aspect of Vaginal Atrophy

Vaginal atrophy is caused by an imbalance of the tridoshas. Ayurveda is the science of life, and classically, human life is divided into 3 stages: Childhood (Balyavastha), Middle age (Madhyamavastha), and Vridhavastha (old age). Rajonivratti is the Nivrutti of rajas (stoppage of menstruation). The absence of Raja Srava, Doshas, and Dhatus will decrease after menopause. This is due to the shift of Pitta doshas from a dominant position to a Vata-dominant state. Rajonivratti is the transitional period of life from the reproductive era to the non-reproductive era.

Some Herbal Remedies for Vaginal Atrophy by Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda is a GMP-certified Ayurvedic Clinic that formulates remedies for the prevention of various health issues and provides relief to the diseased person. All the formulations that are formulated by Planet Ayurveda are free from any kind of preservatives or additives, are 100% pure and are formulated under the strict guidance of M.D. Ayurvedic Practitioners without causing any side effects. For the management of Vaginal atrophy, Planet Ayurveda provides many supplements for this disease, which we will discuss further in the article.

Product List

  1. Kamdudha Ras (Moti Yukt)
  2. Shatavari Capsules
  3. Yasthimadhu Ghanvati
  4. Female Health Support
  5. Chandraprabha Vati
  6. Ashokarisht

Treatment of Vaginal atrophyHerbal Remedies for Vaginal atrophy

Product Description

1. Kamdudha Ras Moti Yukt

Kamdudha ras is a polyherbal ras that was formulated by Planet Ayurveda using Pearl ash (Mukta bhasma), Conch shell ash (Shankh bhasma), Coral calx (Praval bhasma), Varatika bhasma (varatika ash), Shuddha gairik (Red ochre ash), Tinospora cordifolia (Giloy satva), and Mukta shukti bhasma (Pearl oyster shell ash). It helps reduce inflammation of reproductive organs and heat in the body. It is helpful in maintaining the health of female reproductive organs and healthy menstruation. Supports overall female health, which balances Pitta Doshas. Calms down the digestive system and digests Ama doshas in the body.

Dosage: With plain water, take 2 tablets twice daily after meals.

2. Shatavari Capsules

Shatavari capsules are single herbal capsules formulated by Planet Ayurveda using Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari). Shatavari is bitter and sweet in taste and heavy, cold in effect, and unctuous. Shatavari nourishes and cleanses the female reproductive system. It helps with a trouble-free menopause and maintains hormonal balance. It gives good results in cases of frigidity, infertility, uterine swellings, and leucorrhoea. It pacifies vata and pitta doshas.

Dosage: 1 capsule with plain water, take twice daily after food.

3. Yasthimadhu Ghan Vati

Yasthimadhu ghan vati is a single herb tablet formulated by Planet Ayurveda using Glycyrrhiza glabra (Yashtimadhu). It has rejuvenation properties that eliminate toxins from the body. It reduces stress and promotes good sleep quality. It is also helpful for hair loss. It is useful in reducing acidity, relieving constipation, and boosting immunity. Accelerates the healing of the wounds of the duodenum and stomach.

Dosage: 2 tablets with plain water, take twice daily after meals.

4. Female Health Support

Female health support is a polyherbal capsule that is formulated by Planet Ayurveda using Saraca indica (Ashoka), Symplocos racemosa (Lodhra), and Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari). It maintains the overall health of females and balances the hormones. Its impact on ovarian tissue can induce an oestrogen activity that increases endometrial repair and reduces bleeding. It gives relief from dysmenorrhea, non-specific white discharge, and premenstrual syndrome. It helps with a worry-free menopause.

Dosage- With plain water, 1 tablet twice daily after meals.

5. Chandraprabha Vati

Chandraprabha vati is a polyherbal tablet that is formulated by Planet Ayurveda by using Commiphora mukul (Guggul), Shilajit (Asphaltum), Karpoor (Cinnamomum camphora), Curcuma longa (Haridra), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Shunthi (Zingiber officinalis), and some other ingredients. It helps with urinary tract infections and controls the burning sensation. It helps in boosting immunity and provides strength.

Dosage: With plain water, take 2 tablets twice daily after food.

6. Ashokarisht

Ashokarisht is a polyherbal formulation that is formulated by Planet Ayurveda using Saraca indica (Ashoka), Gur (Saccharum officinarum), Dhataki pushpa (Woodfordia fruticosa), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Harad (Terminalia chebula), and some other ingredients. Ashoka is bitter and astringent in taste and dry and light. It is helpful for gynaecological problems. It is helpful in providing relief from abdominal pain and providing strength and stamina to the body. It contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Dosage: With plain water, take 2 teaspoons twice daily after meals.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 9915-593-604


Menopausal genitourinary syndrome refers to the symptoms of menopause, which include not only genital symptoms but also sexual symptoms and dysfunction. Menopause is caused by decreased oestrogen levels in the blood due to the loss of ovarian follicles. Hormonal changes can affect a person’s physical, emotional, and mental health. Vaginal atrophy is a condition in which thinning, drying, and swelling of the tissue in the vagina are involved. This is due to the decrease in oestrogen produced by the body. Vaginal atrophy is caused by an imbalance of the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). There are some formulations provided by Planet Ayurveda for the management of vaginal atrophy that give effective results without causing any side effects.

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is a Globally Renowned Ayurveda Physician with Expertise of more than 25 Years. He is the CEO & Founder of, a leading Ayurveda Brand, Manufacturing, and Export Company with a Chain of Clinics and Branches in the US, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, and other parts of the World. He is also an Ayurveda Author who has written Books on Ayurveda, translated into Many European Languages. One of his Books is "Ayurveda – God’s Manual for Healing". He is on a Mission to Spread Ayurveda All Over the Planet through all the Possible Mediums. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of the Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit. Read More

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