Herbal Remedies For Tularemia Disease

Tularemia Disease Insights

Seldom have we heard about the disease tularemia. The obvious answer to this being, the disease majorly affects insects, rabbits, rodents, squirrels, and even domestic animals, and birds. Caused by the bacteria Francisella tularensis, the disease is also called rabbit fever or deer fly fever.

Are Humans Susceptible to Tularemia

Yes. Humans can in no way escape the infection if they come in contact with affected insects, pets, rabbits, and so on.

Tularemia Disease

What is Tularemia

Before indulging in its treatment, it is essential for us to understand the disease tularemia briefly. As mentioned earlier the disease is caused by the bacteria Francisella tularensis, and it predominantly infects rodents, insects, animals, birds, squirrels.

Tularemia infects one’s skin, eyes, lymph nodes and lungs.

How do Animals get Infected

It has been believed that the prevalence of tularemia is high in rural niches. The animals here are more susceptible to getting infected by the bacteria. This in fact does in no way mean that animals other than in rural areas escape the wrath of the bacteria. Animals, insects, and birds can get infected with the bacteria regardless of the area in which they reside.

How easy is it for Humans to Contract this Infection

Humans can get infected by the bacteria through infected agents. Some of the modes of transmission are as follows

  • Ingestion of meat of infected animals.
  • Insect bites, which include ticks and deer fly.
  • Contact with hair and skin of infected animals.
  • Consumption of unhealthy and contaminated food and water.
  • The bacteria continue to inhabit water, soil, and the body of dead infected animals for a long time. Therefore humans coming in contact with contaminated water and soil happen to get infected easily.
  • People with professions that make them indulge in activities out in nature are also prone to this disease.
  • A laboratory outbreak can also infect humans.

Tularemia Symptoms

As mentioned above, the disease affects one’s skin, eyes, lymph nodes, and lungs. But it is important to mention here that symptoms of tularemia vary with its type. The specific symptoms are as below.

  • Ulceroglandular – this is the common type of tularemia. Causing an ulcer at the point of contact with an insect bite, these ulcers are often puss-filled. They affect the lymph nodes and cause swelling and pain.
    Predominantly affects the hand, groin, armpit, and trunk areas.
  • Glandular – it is the same as that of ulceroglandular but except for ulcers.
  • Oculaglandular – this affects the eyes, swelling up of nearby lymph nodes. The eyes become red, swollen, and painful, often exudating puss.
    This could happen due to rubbing your eye with infected fingers or the eye coming in contact with infected liquids.
  • Oropharyngeal – affects the throat, leading to swelling up lymph nodes near the throat and causing pain.
    This occurs due to the consumption of contaminated food and water.
  • Typhoidal – accompanied by fever, chills, and abdominal pains, they do not cause the swelling up of lymph nodes. They are manifested when the bloodstream is infected.
  • Pneumonic– infecting the lungs either through inhaling or through the infected bloodstream, this type of tularemia causes dry cough, chest ache, and shortness of breath. Patients with ulceroglandular and typhoid are slightly more susceptible to this type of tularemia.
  • Septicemia – a rare type of tularemia caused due to infected bloodstream and multiple organ dysfunction. The symptoms generally include alleviated blood pressure, lowering of clotting factors that cause an increase in bleeding, and the lungs getting pervaded with fluid.

Do People Die of Tularemia

There are cases where animals die of infection during an outbreak. But when humans are infected, early detection and an unerring treatment can absolutely cure a person. Symptoms may vary according to the types but that does not mean the symptom being a morbid sign for the patient to death.

Can Tularemia have an Ayurvedic Correlation

The unalloyed science of Ayurveda solely believes in keeping the tridoshas in normalcy. Vata , pitta, and kapha have their specific functions to perform in our body. Any sort of alteration in our body would immediately affect the tridoshas. As we know tularemia is a bacterial infection, it affects various organs and projects various symptoms. Needless to say, an infection would cause dosha imbalance at the site of the bite which would then spread to adjacent areas. This would affect the dosha present at the site.

The vyana vayu is the type of vata that performs the immaculate circulation of blood. Therefore, it can be believed that it is the vyana vata that carries the infection throughout the body. As there is the formation of ulcers and pus, there is an obvious indulgence of pitta and Kapha. All three doshas have specific areas in the body where they seem to reside the most. Therefore depending upon the site of manifestation of tularemia, the specific dosha will also contribute to its further manifestation. Hence, the dosha affected would actively participate in the manifestation of the disease.

Planet Ayurveda and its Efficient ways of Curing Diseases

Planet Ayurveda has incessantly proven to surpass the efficiency of each of its products every single time. Each product is better than the other, exceptional in every way. The medicines concocted by Planet Ayurveda are prescribed by exceedingly efficient MD Ayurveda doctors. Consisting solely of natural products, devoid of chemicals and preservatives, products of Planet Ayurveda are doubtlessly reliable.

  1. Manjishtha Capsules
  2. Giloy Capsules
  3. Boswellia Curcumin
  4. Sanjivani Vati
  5. Praanrakshak Churna
  6. Bronco Plan Syrup

Tularemia Care Pack

1. Manjishtha Capsules

Manjishtha ( Rubia cordifolia) capsules are generally prescribed for the treatment of the produced symptoms of tularemia and the complications that arise out of it. It is the best blood purifier, therefore, clearing out the infection of the blood.

Dosage – It is conducive to consuming 2 capsules of manjistha daily along with water.

2. Giloy Capsules

Giloy Capsules or Guduci ( Tinospora cordifolia) has anti-inflammatory and antisecretory properties. This would aid in case of pneumonia and other lung-related complications.

Dosage – 1 tablet of giloy twice a day with plain water is beneficial.

3. Boswellia Curcumin

Comprising shallaki ( Boswellia serrata) and haldi ( Curcumin longa), both of the drugs have anti-inflammatory properties and improve blood circulation.

Dosage – The generic dosage is 2 capsules twice a day along with plain water.

4. Sanjivani Vati

Consisting of life ensuring drugs like Tinospora cordifolia, Zingiber officinale, triphala ( Phyllanthus emblica, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerica) etc, they alleviate digestive complications and fever. They have been reliable in cases of coughs as well.

Dosage – It is prescribed to consume 2 tablets along with plain water twice a day.

5. Praanrakshak Churna

They are believed to be effective in cases of respiratory complications. Efficient in lowering cough, shortness of breath, and other respiratory symptoms. They also heal the inflammation in the lungs.

Dosage – It is advised to consume 1 tsp of this churna with warm water twice a day.

6. Bronco Plan Syrup

Bronco Plan Syrup Consisting of

  • Tulsi – Ocimum sanctum
  • Pippali – Piper longum
  • Yashtimadhu – Glycyrrhiza glabra
  • Maricha – Piper nigrum
  • Karkidaka Sringi – Pistacia integerrima

Along with the above, many other drugs are also included. They predominantly aid in the treatment of pneumonia and other respiratory tract-related complications.

Dosage – It is advised to consume 2 tsp twice a day.


These are the preparations prescribed by Planet Ayurveda for treating tularemia and its complications. Ayurveda has proven its immaculate efficiency in treating various diseases. Treatment of tularemia is equally successful to that of any other disease. Not to forget the eminence of Planet Ayurveda and its products which ensure our health in every single way possible. In case of any query kindly visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book "Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing". He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com.

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