Treatment of Scleroderma in Ayurveda

Men and women both are prone to scleroderma but it affects women more than men, it targets women of the age group of 30 to 50 years.
Types of Scleroderma
1. Skin Scleroderma:
People suffering from scleroderma experience hardening and tightening patches of skin, the shape of these patches are like straight lines or oval-shaped patches. Some people are only suffering from effects on the skin in this problem of scleroderma.
2. Blood Vessels:
Vessels of blood are affected with scleroderma, it can cause the problem to the person in the circulation of blood properly to other parts of the body.
3. Digestive System:
It affects the digestion of person who is affected with scleroderma, it can affect any part of digestive system like if the esophagus is affected you might have heartburn or difficulty in swallowing of the food, if intestinal muscles are not properly moving food through the intestines, hence the body cannot absorb the nutrients properly.
4. Lungs:
which is an important part of the human body can also be affected by scleroderma.
5. Heart:
It can also be affected by scleroderma if untreated, it can become life-threatening.
6. Kidneys:
Its one of the vital organs of our body, which handles all renal functions of our body, due to scleroderma it badly causes many problems of renal function.
7. Toes and Fingers:
When due to Raynaud`s disease, which is the signs of systemic scleroderma, it causes small blood vessels in your fingers and toes to contract in response to emotional distress and cold temperature.
Causes of Scleroderma
The body`s immune system when not working properly, environmental factors and genes are also responsible for the problem of scleroderma, which is the result of overproduction and accumulation of collagen in body tissues. Collagen is a fibrous type of protein that makes up your body`s connective tissues including your skin.
Complications of Scleroderma
Scleroderma complications can be of many types:
1. Heart:
When tissue of heart gets scared, which in result increases your heartbeats to abnormal range, and it leads to heart failure in some cases or can cause inflammation of the membranous sac which surrounds the heart, scleroderma can also raise the pressure on the right side of your heart, which in result can be failure of the heart.
2. Lungs:
Due to scleroderma, your lung tissue gets affected as scarring occurs in the lungs, which results in affecting your ability to breath, hence it hinders your performance for exercising and workout of sports like athletics and extreme sports. It hinders all your physical movements.
3. Sexual Performance:
Erectile dysfunctions in men are due to scleroderma, it is also one of the causes that weakens sexual performance in men. Sexual functions of women are also affected by those who are suffering from scleroderma as it results in decreasing the sexual lubrication and constricting the vaginal opening.
4. Difficult to Brush Your Teeth:
When people suffering from scleroderma, they often don’t produce normal amounts of saliva, which could be the main cause of dental decay. The tightening of facial skin can be the reason for the mouth to become smaller and narrower, which makes it very difficult to brush and your teeth properly.
5. Changes in the Skin:
When skin gets changed due to scleroderma and its texture also gets affected, the main reason is the tightening of the skin and connective tissue.
Scleroderma Treatment in Ayurveda
“Vatarakta” is the name given to the disease scleroderma and it is treated with Ayurvedic procedures.
Planet Ayurveda has gone through wide research in the field of various diseases and scleroderma is one of them, with the history of treating patients of many diseases Planet Ayurveda has to maintain its reputation with successful results. As scleroderma is an autoimmune and complicated disease, Planet Ayurveda has introduced some of the best herbal remedies to tackle Scleroderma, all herbal remedies of Planet Ayurveda are 100% pure without any chemical added to them, additives and preservatives are also avoided by Planet Ayurveda.
1. Ashwagandha Capsules:
The pure extract of the “Ashwagandha” herb (Withania somnifera) is used. The herb has proven anti-inflammatory properties and it can have a very beneficial effect on a person`s overall health.
2. Sanjivani Vati:
These tablets are wonderful combination of powerful herbs like Amalaki, Shunthi, Pippali, Guduchi, Vacha, Shudh vatsnabh, Shudh bhallataka, Vidanga are the ingredients used in this formulation of Sanjivani Vati, which acts like Sanjivani booti to the patients suffering from scleroderma.
3. Gandhak Rasayan:
These tablets are fulfilled with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral and antibacterial properties, these tablets are prepared with pure Gandhak, which helps in treating patients of scleroderma because they can improve the health of the skin by removing the dead surface of the skin, hence enhancing the functioning of the immune system.
4. Boswellia Curcumin:
These capsules are made with a combination of 2 anti-inflammatory herbal ingredients, like shallaki (Bosewellia Serrata) and Curcumin (Curcuma Longa), both play the best role in helping to eradicate the problem of scleroderma as Curcumin herb is the best source of antioxidant and Shallaki herb has the ability to fight the inflammation.
5. Gotukola Capsules:
Gotukola herb which is pure and standardized is the main ingredient in these capsules. The herb is widely known for its properties fulfilled with medicinal values and it’s also beneficial for the overall health of a person. As it pacifies Pitta dosha by healthy blood circulation in the body.
6. Sinhnaad Guggul
It is a classical Herbal formulation. It is prepared from the herbs like Triphala (Three myrobalans), shuddha gandhak (Purified sulphur), shuddha guggul (Purified Commiphora mukul) and Eranda taila (oil of Ricinus communis).
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