Natural Measures to Help You Restore Health Post-Delivery within 45 Days
Delivering a child can be the most painful procedure a female can ever experience. This after delivery time is very important as if a female will not take care of herself in this period then there are chances to develop various kinds of diseases in early ages. The postpartum stage is believed to have predominance of vata. If pathya and apathya are not followed, then this can be the reason for occurrence of many conditions. Pathya are the habits and food articles which are good and beneficial for minute channels (strotas) and apathya are the opposite of pathya (which is not good for body and blocks strotas).
Initially we don’t have knowledge about what to do and what not to do, what to have and what not to have in the postpartum period. But if we ask about postpartum care from our mothers and grandmothers then the ways they tell are really fascinating. They know all the facts and details about postpartum changes in female bodies and also about postpartum care. Isn’t it amazing. All you just have to do is ask and learn. Our elder females know about a lot of ayurvedic ways that will help you to recover fast from prasavkaleen pidda (pain during delivery procedure) and get back to work as fast as possible. The reproductive system of females goes under many changes during delivery then comes back to normal in 4-6 weeks. Till 4-6 weeks a woman has to be very careful and need to protect herself from many things.
Physical Changes After Delivery
1. Lochia
Vaginal discharge after you have normal delivery is termed as lochia. It looks musky in appearance and odor like menstrual blood. Lochia in the first three days after normal delivery is dark red in colour, from fourth to tenth day its watery pinkish in color, then it is creamy to yellowish in color. Mothers who have delivery after cesarean section may have less lochia and it will start after 24 hours of delivery.
2. Incision Drainage (if c-section is done)
If a female has a cesarean section then it is normal to have a small amount of pink, watery discharge from the incision area. The incision site should be cleaned regularly using soap and lukewarm water.
3. Breast Discharge
When you are breastfeeding then you experience some discharge from your nipples when you are not able to feed your baby. This usually stops after 1-2 weeks after delivery.
4. Breast Engorgement
Breast engorgement is called breast swelling which is characterized by a feeling of warmth, heaviness and hardness of breasts. This situation arises due to sudden increase in circulation to the breasts. Breast engorgement can be prevented by feeding your baby frequently. In case of swelling ice packs can be applied.
5. Perineal Discomfort
Discomfort at an episiotomy site is very common after normal delivery. To avoid this discomfort one should try a warm sitz bath with antiseptic mixed in it.
5. Uterine Contractions
The uterus after birth reduces in weight from 10 kg to 60-70 grams. The fundus of the uterus is at the level of the naval it remains there for about a day and then slowly starts descending to its normal position. Each day it reduces one centimeter and after the 10th day descends back into the pelvis and slowly comes into its pre pregnant state (the size of a pear).
5. Menstruation
Your periods will be absent for about three months after delivery due to presence prolactin. Then with lowering levels of prolactin menstrual cycle starts after three months usually. A few cycles after delivery are often irregular because our body needs time to adjust with the changing hormones.
Ayurveda acharya Sushruta and vagbhatta mentioned one and a half months (45 days) as sutika kaala or duration of puerperium. Three factors have been emphasized i.e replenishment of dhatus, steadiness of body and accumulation of blood in yoni.
Explanation of these Three Points is as follows
- Replenishment of dhatus: This indicates replenishment of all the seven dhatus that is from rasa to shukra.
- Steadiness of body: In this steadiness refers to a healthy state of mind which is very important to maintain. Both physical and psychological health helps in the fast recovery of females in puerperal phase.
- Accumulation of blood in the yoni or uterus: The blood collected in the uterus for the whole month within its dhamanies is discharged during menstruation. In puerperal phase replenishment of dhatus and steadiness of body are the main reasons for the start of a healthy cycle again.
Ways to recover fully after delivery in 45 days
Aacharya charaka mentioned about sutika paricharya in chapter eight of sharer sthana. In this he had told that massaging and oiling of both mother and child is to be done for the whole sutika duration. But there are some specific measures that help in recovering fast.
- He mentioned it under shloka 48 and said: When mother feels hunger one of the fat (ghee, oil (taila), muscle fat (vasa), marrow (majja)) should be given to her according to suitability in the maximum quantity. This fat is to be mixed with pippali (Piper longum), pippali mula (piper longum root), chavya (piper retrofractum), chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica) and sunthi (Zingiber officinale).
- After she has taken the fat, her abdomen should be massaged with ghee and oil wrapped round with a big clean cloth bandage so that vayu may not find space to produce disorders.
After the fat is digested, she should take in proper quantity liquid gruel prepared with pippali etc and mixed well with unctuous substance.
- She should take sprinkles with warm water both the times before the intake of fat and gruel. Thus maintaining this regimen for five to seven days she should be saturated gradually.
- Some aacharayas like sushruta had mentioned massage of bala taila for 45 days starting from the first day of delivery.
- In case of remaining uterus clots administration of warm jaggery water with pippali (Piper longum), pippali mula (piper longum root), chavya (piper retrofractum), chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica) and sunthi (Zingiber officinale) should be done. This should be regularly administered till lochia rubra is completely expelled.
- Along with massage of body vagbhata mentioned massage of yoni also and had asked to maintain hunch back position.
- Regular cleaning of nipples after breastfeeding, moisturizing of nipples after feeding protects them from cracking and getting any kind of infection.
- Having a sitz bath regularly and maintaining hygiene is also very helpful in recovering fast.
- Waist wrap with warm cloth in winters and cotton cloth in summers around the waist provides support to reproductive organs and lower back and also helps in attaining good position during lactation.
Shatavari for fast recovery
- Intake of Asparagus racemosus is very effective for females after delivery. Shatavari helps in reducing swelling and enhances healing of reproductive organs (yoni).
- It acts as a uterine tonic and enhances uterus strength. Also helps reproductive organs in regaining pre pregnant state.
- Shatavari is having galactogogue property (a substance that increases production of breast milk).
- Asparagus is also an adaptogen. It also has antioxidant properties and protects the body from free radical overload.
Planet Ayurveda which is a leading herbal manufacturing company offers its products that can help in maintaining female health after delivery.
- Shatavari capsules
- Female health support
- Narikalyan churna
1. Shatavari capsules
The benefits of shatavari are as mentioned above. So to make it more palatable,Planet Ayurveda offers it in the form of capsules. These capsules are easy to consume and are made up of standardized extract of shatavari (Asparagus racemosus).
Dosage: Two capsules twice a day after meals.
2. Female health support
Female health support is a poly herbal formulation which is prepared using ashoka (Saraca indica), lodra (Symplocos racemosa) etc. which is very useful in maintaining female health after delivery. It provides strength and enhances immunity after delivery.
Dosage: Two capsules twice a day after meals.
3. Narri kalyan churna
This is also a poly herbal formulation that helps in getting back in shape after delivery as soon as possible. It can also be used to regulate menstrual cycle after prolactin levels fall. This formulation also provides strength to bones, balances hormone levels and makes the mood calm.
Dosage: Half teaspoon with lukewarm water twice a day after meals.
A woman must understand the importance of postpartum regimen as it can help her in protecting herself from various diseases and conditions. Right from the time when you are pregnant it is very important to understand the responsibility you have to bear. Your health from that point is not about only you. Either before delivery or after delivery you represent two human beings, one is you and other is your child.