Polycystic Ovarian Disease Treatment in Ayurveda


Polycystic Ovarian disease is an endocrine disorder that affects women. Nowadays, PCOD has become the primary cause of infertility in women. A woman with PCOD may develop symptoms like obesity, amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, infertility, and androgenic disorders. These patients also develop a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. They are seven times more prone to myocardial infarction as compared to a normal person. If the disease remains untreated then there will be a major complication. Approximately 5 to 12 % of women suffer from this disease. The major cause of worry is that it is commonly found in reproductive age. Let’s discuss it in detail!

PolyCystic Ovarian Disease


Polycystic ovarian disease is also known as PCOS ( Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ), it is called a syndrome because it is a complex manifestation involving many factors and organs such as insulin resistance, obesity, and irregular menstrual bleeding. In most cases, there is excessive bleeding. It is one of the leading causes of infertility in females nowadays. Organs involved in the PCOD are the Ovaries, Adrenal glands, Pancreas, and Pituitary glands. PCOD can cause inhibition of follicular development, microcysts in the ovary, anovulation, and menstrual changes. In Ayurveda, PCOD comes under yonivyapad. It is one of the twenty diseases mentioned in the text.


  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Hirsutism
  • Acne
  • Alopecia
  • Obesity
  • Infertility
  • Excessive facial and body hair growth
  • Insulin resistance
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Amenorrhoea


  • Higher levels of Androgens inhibit ovulation. As a result of that, there is the occurrence of an irregular menstrual cycle. There is a development of small fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries. Higher Androgens also lead to excess hair growth in females.
  • Insulin Resistance is the major cause of PCOD. As the insulin levels increase it leads to an increase in the male hormone androgen. Insulin resistance means your body does not process it properly. This leads to higher insulin levels in the blood. An elevated insulin level even if the blood glucose is normal, can indicate insulin resistance.
  • PCOD patients have low-grade inflammation. Most of the time it is chronic.
  • Improper diet and lifestyle
  • Usage of excess of cosmetics
  • Hypersecretion of Luteinizing Hormone


1. Pelvic examination

The doctor will examine the vagina, cervix, uterus, ovaries, and rectum for checking if something unusual is present.

2. Pelvic Ultrasound

This is done to rule out any cyst present in the uterus and also to examine the lining of the uterus ( how thick it is ). Ovaries were found to be larger 2 to 3 times in PCOD patients.

3. Lab Investigations

Anti-Mullerian Hormone:- This test is done to check how well the ovaries are working and how far the menopause is. The levels will be on the higher side in PCOD cases.

4. Follicle Stimulating Hormone

Lowering of FSH affects the ability to get pregnant.

5. Luteinizing Hormone

It could be higher than normal.

6. Estrogen

Levels would be higher in PCOD

7. RBS

Latest Treatment in Modern Science

PCOD treatment focuses on managing the things that are concerning.

Progestin Therapy

It mainly focuses on the regulation of periods. Take Progestin for 10 to 14 days for 1 to 2 months and protect against endometrial cancer.

Combination of birth control pills

Pills containing Progesterone and Estrogen which lowers the androgen levels and regulates estrogen. It corrects irregular bleeding and excess hair growth.

Drugs used in case of infertility

  • Clomiphene:- The oral anti-estrogen taken during the first phase of the menstrual cycle.
  • Letrozole:- It works to stimulate the ovaries.
  • Metformin:- It helps in decreasing insulin resistance and lowers insulin levels. It can be added with clomiphene.
  • Gonadotropins:- This hormone is used in injectable form.

Drugs Used to Reduce Excessive Hair Growth

Spironolactone ( Aldactone )

This medication helps in blocking the effect of androgen on the skin. Spironolactone can cause birth defects so effective birth control is needed before taking this medicine.


This is in a cream base. This cream can slow facial hair growth.

Ayurvedic Overview of PCOD

In Ayurveda, the balanced state of the dosha is considered healthy, and vitiation of doshas tends to disease. The dosha vitiation is directly connected with symptoms and the relation between Doshas and Lakshanas are permanent. It does not complied as a syndrome in Ayurveda. Symptoms mentioned in modern science are considered as an individual disease in Ayurveda.

  1. Aartava vayapad ( Menstrual disorders )
  2. Vandhya ( Infertility )
  3. Satholaya ( obesity )
  4. Khalitya ( Baldness )
  5. Prameha ( Hyperinsulinemia )

When the vitiated vata, vitiates mamsa, meda, and shonit are mixed up with Kapha, it forms knotted inflammatory swelling called granthi. This is compared with the terminology cysts. This pathology is compared with the Granthibahuta Aartava Dushti. The follicle becomes cysts instead of developing up in a mature ovum.

Ayurvedic Treatment

The treatment approach should concentrate on

  1. Treating agnimandhya
  2. Alleviating sroto avrodh and samshodhan
  3. Regularisation of Apana vata
  4. Nidana parivarjana
  5. Yoga Asana ( Shavasana, Sarvangasana, Matsayasna)


Panchkarma is emerging as a beacon of hope in the treatment of PCOD. Digestion and rectification of metabolism are the two major benefits of Panchkarma. Moreover, it also helps in restoring health. The four most effective Panchkarma therapies for Pcod are

1. Vamana

Vamana is a detoxifying therapy. It is typically done during the spring season for the best results. It helps in weight loss, balancing hormones, and boosting fertility.

2. Virechana

Virechana is also a detoxifying therapy. It is recommended during the fall season. It is much recommended for obesity, heavy menstrual bleeding, and hormonal imbalances triggered by PCOD. It has specific indications that may not be recommended for all.

3. Basti

Basti is the most effective therapy for boosting fertility and having a healthy conception. It is a form of medicated enemas performed over a specified number of days.

4. Udvartana

Udvartana is an external ayurvedic therapy that involves rigorous dry powder massage. It detoxifies the skin. Boosts metabolism and regulation of fats in the body. It helps in restoring health.

Herbal Remedies by Planet Ayurveda for PCOD

Planet Ayurveda is a GMP-certified company offering products all around the world. All the products are prepared by following the Ayurveda text under the guidance of MD Ayurveda experts. All the products are safe and devoid of all kinds of adverse effects. Let’s have a look at the formulations

Anti-Ovarian Cyst Pack

  1. Chandraprabha vati
  2. Pradrantak Churna
  3. Kanchnaar Guggul
  4. Punarnava Mandur
  5. Kumari Saar

Anti-Ovarian Cyst PackAnti-Ovarian Cyst Pack
Product Description

1. Chandraprabha Vati

Planet Ayurveda’s Chandraprabha vati is an ayurvedic formulation made by mixing various herbs. The word Chanderprabha means light of the moon. This product glorifies the body just like the light of the moon dispels. It contains ingredients like Kapur Kachri (Hedychium spicatum), Vacha (Acorus calamus), Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), etc. It helps in reducing the size of the cyst.

Dosage:- 2 tablets twice daily with warm water, after meals.

2. Pradarantak Churna

Planet Ayurveda’s Pradrantak Churna is a herbal mixture inspired by classical ayurvedic preparation. This churna supports the overall female reproductive system. It is found to be helpful in hormonal imbalance. It contains herbs like Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), Ashok (Saraca indica), Udumbar (Ficus glomerata), and Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna). It is a pure vegetarian product.

Dosage:- 1 teaspoon twice daily with warm water, after meals.

3. Kanchnaar Guggul

It is a combination of Guggul (Commiphora mukul) and Kanchnaar (Bauhinia variegata) in a single tablet. As per the ancient texts, it is helpful in maintaining healthy muscle mass. This formulation is very effective in resisting inflammation in the body. It also proves to be effective in cancerous growth and provides nourishment to the affected part.

Dosage:- 2 tablets twice daily with warm water, after meals.

4. Punarnava Mandur

Punarnava Mandur is a natural diuretic and helps in detoxifying the body. It contains many other ingredients which work as a supportive supplement for getting rid of fluid accumulated in the body in case of an ovarian cyst. It is prepared with herbs like Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Shunthi (Zingiber Officinale), Haridra (Curcuma longa), etc.

Dosage:- 2 tablets twice daily with warm water, after meals.

5. Kumari Saar

Kumari Saar is a syrup prepared by Planet AYurveda consisting of a herb commonly known as aloe vera. This herb supports the normal functioning of the female reproductive system pre and post-pubescent times. It is known to have an effect on Kapha dosha and balances Vata and Pitta dosha. Helpful in removing aam dosha and avarana of mala over vata is removed simultaneously. It can also be used in a menopausal state.

Dosage:- 2 tablespoons twice daily with plain water after meals.

Lifestyle and Dietary Changes

Food to Avoid

  • White sugar is to be avoided in tea and coffee
  • Food with high glucose like potatoes, white rice, and cakes
  • Avoid milk
  • Salted nuts
  • Avoid soya products
  • Candies
  • Limited salts intake

Food to Include

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Spearmint Tea
  • Almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds.
  • Fatless buttermilk
  • Healthy fats like ghee

Lifestyle modifications

Do exercises, yoga, and outdoor activities otherwise there will be a higher risk of glucose intolerance and diabetes. It should be done for at least 30 minutes a day. Take food and sleep at regular intervals. Avoid a non-veg diet. Avoid aerosols as well.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 9915-593-604


PCOD is the most common disorder that happens in women of reproductive age. It has multiple components and various health concerns with other systems of the body. Infertility and insulin resistance are the biggest concerns of PCOD. There are multiple side effects of taking modern medicines. Improvising the lifestyle could ease the Pcod symptoms.

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is a Globally Renowned Ayurveda Physician with Expertise of more than 25 Years. He is the CEO & Founder of http://www.PlanetAyurveda.com, a leading Ayurveda Brand, Manufacturing, and Export Company with a Chain of Clinics and Branches in the US, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, and other parts of the World. He is also an Ayurveda Author who has written Books on Ayurveda, translated into Many European Languages. One of his Books is "Ayurveda – God’s Manual for Healing". He is on a Mission to Spread Ayurveda All Over the Planet through all the Possible Mediums. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of the Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit. Read More

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