How Useful Is Online Consultation These Days?


In times of epidemic, online consulting has become the norm. You don’t need to go to a doctor’s office to be diagnosed and treated for a disease or condition. Virtual doctor consultations allow you to get the medical treatment you need without having to visit a doctor in person. The advantages of having an online consultation with a doctor are listed below. Seeing a doctor online for any type of periodic consultation seems to be a fantastic choice currently, rather than going to the doctor and discussing your symptoms to obtain treatment.


Remote monitoring consultations between a doctor and a patient are now technically feasible and becoming more popular. They are being used in various circumstances in addition to, and sometimes in instead of, face-to-face or telephone consultations.

The following are some of the advantages of an online consultation with a doctor:

  • Comfort and ease: Doctors are accessible for online health consultations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You don’t have to wait hours or days for an appointment; you may call the doctor as soon as you begin to feel sick. You may take it easy at home and contact the doctor if necessary. You won’t have to stand in line to visit a doctor. Furthermore, online counselling is ideal for the elderly, those who live alone, or those who do not have easy access to transportation.
  • Time and money-saving: Online healthcare is cost-effective and time-saving. For individuals who need frequent medical visits, it is very cost-effective. The main advantages of online consultation are the reduced expenses of visiting, transportation, and time. Patients may access high-quality medical advice, consultations, and second opinions all in one place.
  • Fewer risks of contracting a new sickness: While everyone tries their best to keep one patient from contracting an illness from another, it is always possible to get any ailment, particularly in busy hospitals. You receive the attention you need while reducing the danger of exposure by remaining at home.
  • Privacy & Security: Many individuals are hesitant to speak with a doctor in person. You may have health difficulties in particular private body areas at times. It may feel humiliating to expose such bodily parts to a doctor face to face. Sometimes you don’t want anybody to hear our doctor’s chat. In all of these instances, online counsel is beneficial.

Even if you’re looking for Ayurvedic therapy, an online consultation may help you. You can see an Ayurveda doctor online for the finest therapy for skin and hair disorders, bodily discomfort, and other health concerns. This will be useful if your problem isn’t life-threatening. Otherwise, a face-to-face meeting is ideal.

Online Consultation

The Benefits of Choosing Ayurvedic Medicine Online Consultation with a Doctor

These days, online services are quite popular. Technology has also made its way into medicine. There are a variety of reasons to seek Ayurvedic advice online, including:

  • Anytime, Anywhere Consultation: Working in the office or traveling might cause back and shoulder discomfort. It becomes tough to locate a doctor who can cure your discomfort right away. You may contact an online Ayurvedic doctor at any moment using your phone or tablet. Doctors will provide the finest therapy for pain alleviation.
  • Obtain Medical Treatment using Mobile Devices: From your mobile phone, tablet, PC, or laptop, you may ask an Ayurvedic doctor a question online. There is no need to leave the house or travel to the hospital to get treatment. It’s simple to visit an Ayurvedic professional using your smartphone, laptop, PC, or Notepad. Anywhere you go, you can obtain fast help.
  • Medicines Can Be Ordered Over the Internet: Everything is now available at your doorstep. The website of an Ayurvedic doctor allows you to purchase Ayurveda medications online. On these websites, you may pay in a variety of ways. It’s simple to pay an Ayurvedic doctor’s expenses online using any payment method.

What can you get from Planet Ayurveda?

With the vast knowledge and skill of its team of Ayurveda Experts and Practitioners, Planet Ayurveda is serving people all over the world. We are continually updating our rules to ensure that people may get consultations on a range of health issues through all accessible communication methods. By sharing Ayurveda knowledge, healthy food, and a healthy lifestyle, and teaching the habits of using natural herbs, eating a natural diet, and living a natural lifestyle, Planet Ayurveda is attempting to introduce Ayurveda into every family and to build a disease-free society.

The Online Consultation at Planet Ayurveda

If you don’t have time to visit Planet Ayurveda Clinic, you may be able to get your health issues solved directly at home. From anywhere and at any time, you may now ask your inquiry utilizing our website’s Quick Request form, e-mail, texts and calls, WhatsApp, Youtube, Facebook, and other channels. You just need to provide the patient’s name, location, contact information, and health problem; we usually react swiftly to requests. You may contact us through any other methods available if you do not get a reply to your complaint within 48 hours.

With Ayurveda, a traditional and ancient system of medicine that not only allows you to monitor your illness but also has no bad side effects, we are actively providing our online consultation services via all available means and contributing to the development of a healthy society. Herbal remedies are also available for delivery to your house.


There is good research on video consultations. Patients who are spared the expense and inconvenience of travel and the healthcare system may benefit from such consultations, since they may be more cost-effective. Premium health care is available wherever you are, whether you are traveling or at home. Anyone with a health problem that isn’t an emergency may get advicefrom professionals on Planet Ayurveda’s website. If you have any questions about how Planet Ayurveda professionals can assist you with your holistic approach to healing, please email us at

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book "Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing". He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit

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