Herbal Treatment For Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Pain is the most common symptom of any disease. It’s the most discomforting symptom. People take many analgesics for relieving pain. In Ayurveda many types of pain have been explained which are due to different dosha aggravation in the body. One such disease which has symptoms of pain is known as myofascial pain syndrome. In this article we are going to discuss this condition and how Ayurveda is related to this syndrome.

Myo=muscles and fascial= fascia it means it is a disease related to the fascia of the muscles. Myofascial pain syndrome refers to the condition where pain and swelling occurs in the muscles or tissues of the body. This pain can be referred or local. The pain can be referred to the unrelated parts of the body. The pain can start from the sensitive part or triggering points. These triggering points will feel like knots or bumps on the body. Sometimes the site of pain and the origin of pain are different as it is a radiating pain. Symptoms can arise in a single muscle or a group of muscles.
In ayurveda, symptoms related to the pain are due to the vata dosha aggravation. Vaata word is made from “va gatigandhanyoh”which means movement, to release, violence etc. (shabdtomh). Vata dosha is also related to nervous system disorders. For this syndrome we can conclude that it is a type of vata disorder because this syndrome is related to the pain which has movement from one place to another which is the property of vata dosha. All the pains are related to nerves and the nervous system functions are controlled by the vata dosha in the body.
There are different types of vata dosha which will produce symptoms of pain in different areas of the body.
- PRANA VAYU- This type of vata is related to the 10th cranial nerve so the organs associated with the vagus nerve will be affected if the prana vayu is vitiated. Symptoms like headache would be related to the prana vayu.
- UDANA VAYU- This type of vata dosha is associated with the chest, neck, and umbilical region. Pain in these areas would be related to udana vayu.
- SAMAN VAYU- The muscles associated with the digestive system are affected by this type of vata dosha.
- VYAN VAYU- This type of vata dosha is responsible for the pain in the whole body. Vyana vayu is responsible for the blood circulation and many other functions of the body.
- APAN VAYU- This vayu resides in anal region, large intestines, scrotum, urinary system, umbilicus, pelvic area and symptoms related to these areas would occur.
Due to overuse or injury of muscles sensitive areas or triggering points can form which will lead to the myofascial pain. In Ayurveda we can understand it as when we overuse the muscles or the muscles get injured on that spot the vata gets vitiated and produces the symptoms of pain.
- Muscle Injury– Any muscle injury can lead to formation of triggering points in the muscles which will make it sensitive to the pain. According to the ayurveda, when a muscle gets vitiated, vata dosha gets aggravated on that side which will lead to formation of triggering points and when the vata dosha gets accumulated there due to chal gun (property of movement) the pain gets transferred to different areas.
- Stress And Anxiety– people with stress and anxiety are more likely to develop myofascial disorder. Theory which can prove this statement is that the people in stress and anxiety will clench their muscles more often that can lead to the formation of triggering points.As the nervous system is controlled by the vata dosha when a person has stress and anxiety it will lead to the vitiation of the vata dosha in the body which will produce symptoms like myofascial syndrome.
- Sleep problems– People with myofascial syndrome has difficulty sleeping and disturbed sleeping patterns due to excess pain. In ayurveda when there is increase in the level of vata the person will get disturbed sleep.
- Fibromyalgia –It is proved by some research that myofascial pain syndrome can lead to fibromyalgia.
Many treatments are available for this syndrome. It can be treated with the help of medications and other therapies.
Medical Treatment
- NSAIDS- Non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs over the counter drugs like ibuprofen and paracetamol can help in the symptomatic relief of myofascial syndrome.
- ANALGESICS- Many painkillers like diclofenac, tramadol etc can help in relieving pain.
- MUSCLE RELAXANTS- It can help in the relaxation of tight muscle knots.
- ANTIDEPRESSANTS- These medications are believed to relieve chronic muscle pain.
Other Therapies Include
- Dry Needling
- Trigger Point Injection
- Ultrasound Therapy
- Massage Therapy
- Spray and Stretch Therapy
As this disease occurs due to vitiation and aggravation of vata dosha, the treatments which will reduce or eliminate the vata dosha from the body will help in recovering from the condition. Panchkarma procedures like basti (herbal enema), massage or sudation therapy can be used. Some of the herbal medications which can be used are like guggul (Commiphora mukul), nirgundi (Vitex negundo), ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). These all herbs are known to pacify vata dosha and treat symptoms of pain.
Nirgundi Swaras- It is a classical herbal preparation which is made from herb nirgundi (vitex negundo) it is an herb which is very beneficial for the treatment of pain and anxiety. It has been evaluated as a potent analgesic.
Planet Ayurveda has a wide variety of medication which can treat this disorder. Many herbal medicines are there to reduce the symptoms of vata dosha in the body and treat muscular pains. Medicines from Planet Ayurveda are pure and certified; these are made under the expert guidance and are free from preservatives, fillers and chemicals. These medicines don’t have any side effects as the allopathic analgesics.
- Boswellia Curcumin
- Yograj Guggul
- Moringa Capsules
- Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras

Product’s Description
1. Boswellia Curcumin
It contains herbs like shallaki (boswellia serrata) and haridra (Curcuma longa). Shallaki is known as a natural painkiller. It can be used for muscular pains and pains related to the ortho- arthritis and curcumin is a herb which will detoxify the body and balances all the doshas in the body.
Dose-1 capsule twice daily.
2. Yograj Guggul
It is a medicine in tablet form. Its main content is guggul (Commiphora mukul) with other herbs which are mixed in such a form which will help in combating symptoms of pain. Guggul is known to be the best pain killer in ayurveda.
Dose-1-2 tablets once or twice daily.
3. Moringa Capsules
It is a medicine which is in the capsule formulation. It contains moringa ( Moringa oleifera) which is a kind of whole medicine this herb is helpful in many conditions. It is also helpful in pain like symptoms
Dose-1-2 capsules twice or thrice daily.
4. Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras
It is made up using gold calx, silver calx, mica calx, iron calx, coral calx, pearl calx, etc. this medication is used to treat all the vata dosha disorders and the symptoms which vata dosha will produce. Its name itself suggests that it will give you a stress free life from vata disorders.
Dose– As suggested by the physician.
Myofascial pain syndrome is a disorder which will interfere with the daily life of a patient. It’s a very painful condition of muscles. These symptoms are occurring due to the vitiation of vata dosha. So if we treat vata dosha then this disease of myofascial pain syndrome can be treated. In case of any query kindly visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com. For more queries, you can send your queries to our email id herbalremedies123@yahoo.com.