Levels of Cholesterol and its Effects on Health. What are the Herbal Solutions?


Cholesterol is the basic need of the body cells. It is useful to form the layers of cell membranes. The liver is the organ concerned with cholesterol formation. Cholesterol layers in the cells help to keep a check on the foreign bodies and provide protection to the cells. Cholesterol helps in the formation of bile and bile helps in food digestion. Also cholesterol is important to produce the vitamins, specifically the Vitamin D and certain important hormones. Usually whenever we hear about cholesterol, it always makes a remark of disease in our mind. But cholesterol is one of the most important components for the normal and better functioning of the body system. Improper metabolism of the liver and malfunctioning may lead to hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol) or hypocholesterolemia (low levels of cholesterol). In this article we will discuss the levels of cholesterol, effects on health and herbs help to manage the cholesterol.

Levels of Cholesterol and its Effects on Health


Cholesterol is a substance essential to maintain a stable plasma membrane. The basic theme of cholesterol metabolism in the body is regulated by a balance between dietary cholesterol and drainage of excessive cholesterol from the tissues or specifically from the periphery. Healthy tissues, lifestyle and good homeostatic conditions are important for this active metabolism of cholesterol. Any disturbance in this system or metabolism may lead to diseases associated with high levels of cholesterol and low levels too. The problems associated are cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and coronary heart disease. The body itself makes cholesterol to fulfil the need. Whatever we eat adds the levels of cholesterol in our body. The excessive cholesterol or poor metabolism of cholesterol leads to formation of plaque. These formed plaques stick into the walls of the arteries. This condition is called atherosclerosis. Continuing the process may lead to coronary artery diseases.

Levels/Types of Cholesterol

Basically the high density lipoproteins and low density lipoproteins are two types of lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are the fat and protein molecules. LDL are the low density lipoproteins, VLDL are very low density lipoproteins and HDL are high density lipoproteins.
Also the cholesterol can be classified as Good cholesterol and Bad cholesterol. HDL is associated with good cholesterol, LDL is concerned with bad cholesterol.

The Normal Ranges for Cholesterol Are

  • Total cholesterol– 125- 200 mg/dl
  • Non-HDL – less than 130 mg/dl
  • LDL– less than 100 mg/dl
  • HDL– 40 MG/DL

Lipids are dependent on protein for the movement in the blood. Each lipoprotein has its different function. HDL is known to carry cholesterol from the body to the liver. The liver functions to remove it from the body. LDL and VLDL are known to form the plaques in arteries. VLDL carries triglycerides. Lipids are carried in plasma in lipoproteins after getting associated with several apoproteins, plasma lipid concentrations are dependent on the concentration of lipoproteins. The core of lipoprotein globules consists of triglycerides.

Causes of Hypercholesterolemia

The common cause is poor and unhealthy lifestyle.

  • Eating habits like eating excessive fatty food, baked goods, regular intake of non veg food, saturated and trans fats may increase the bad cholesterol and increase the conditions like heart disease or hypertension.
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Smoking raises bad cholesterol
  • Genetics may increase the chances of poor metabolism of cholesterol
  • Obesity- being obese always increase the chances of raised cholesterol
  • Lack of exercise
  • Excessive intake of alcohol

Risk Factors

Following risk factors are associated

  • Age- Age is always the risk factor for high levels of cholesterol
  • Weight- Overweight or obese persons have more chances to get heart attacks and heart diseases.
  • Heredity- High cholesterol or associated problems may run in families
  • Race- Races like Americans or Africans have higher chances of raised cholesterol than Europeans or Asians.


High cholesterol may cause dangerous complications. The complications can be life threatening due to accumulation of cholesterol in the walls of arteries. Plaques which are accumulated enhance the risk of blood flow. Following are the complications

  • Chest pain– Chest pain is the primary and main sign of heart disease. Impaired supply to the heart may lead to chest pain (angina) or conditions like heart attack.
  • Heart attack– Rupturing of plaque may lead to obstruction of blood flow. The obstructed blood flow to the heart may lead to conditions like heart attack, coronary heart disease.
  • Stroke – Blood clot if block the supply to the brain may lead to stroke. Stroke may lead to death or other complicated problems.


Lipid Profile Test is the main test done to check the levels of cholesterol in the blood. The level up to 200 mg/dl is considered as normal, more than 240 mg/dl is high level of cholesterol.

  • Total cholesterol
  • LDL levels
  • HDL levels
  • VLDL levels and triglycerides
  • Non-HDL cholesterol
  • Ratio between cholesterol and HDL

Management– Following Steps Should Be Followed to Manage the Conditions Associated with High Levels of Bad Cholesterol

Lifestyle modifications are the most important way to manage bad cholesterol. Lifestyle modifications consist of a regular healthy diet and well directioned workout. Workouts include walking, running or gym. Aerobic exercises are best to get good results. Although the slight raised levels of bad cholesterol can be managed easily with good workout or exercises, if not resolved the need of medication is there.

  1. In modern practices the statins (HMG- Coa reductase) are used to manage the high levels of cholesterol. Statins are used to inhibit conversion of 3-Hydroxy-3-methyl glutaryl coenzyme A to mevalonate by the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase. The activity of HMG- CoA reductase activity is maximum at night time, all statins are administered at bedtime. The clinically used statins are: fluvastatin (Lescol), lovastatin (Altoprev), pitavastatin (Livalo), pravastatin (Pravachol), atorvastatin (Lipitor), rosuvastatin (Crestor) and simvastatin (Zocor). The choices depend upon risk factors, age, diet and side effects. Statins improve the condition in coronary artery disease, atheromatous plaque and are helpful to resolve the thrombus formation. Another class is Resins, resins include Cholestyramine and colestipol. Resins are basically the ion exchangers and supplied in the chloride form. They are neither digested or absorbed in the gut. The raisins are suitable only when LDL-CH levels are raised. Bempedoic acid, bile-acid- binding resins and PCSK9 inhibitors are the other known groups to manage the cholesterol levels.
  2. Diet as we know is the basic way to manage cholesterol. It is very important to eat healthy and fibre rich food. Deep fry and excessive oily food must be avoided. Regular analysis of lipids by lipid profile test. The healthy fat options should be followed. The obese person should focus to lose the weight. The excessive consumption of milk products and red meat should be avoided. It is important to avoid the trans fats and sources of triglycerides. Fry items should be avoided and boiled ways should be preferred. Stop drinking alcohol and quit smoking.
  3. Ayurveda focused on langhan and kapha naashak ahar vihar. Emaciation therapy and draining out the toxins is the best way to manage according to ayurvedic methods.

Ayurvedic Aspect

It can be correlated with Medovaha sroto dushti. Medovaha sroto dushti is due to excessive consumption of Kaphaj aahar vihar. Excessive consumption of kaphaj ahar vihar may lead to accumulation of doshas in the body. The doshas may lead to poor body metabolism and hence the impaired functioning of the heart. In Ayurveda cholesterol can be designated as a mix up of ama with fat. It leads to an imbalance of the doshas. When there is mixing of meda dhatu with ama it alters the fat tissue quality. Ayurvedic perspective focuses on the balancing of cholesterol levels. It is also important to balance the agni (digestive fire).

Ayurvedic Herbs and Minerals

  1. JaharMohra Pishti (Natural Calcium)
  2. Kaharava Pishti (Natural Calcium)
  3. Akik Pishti (Natural Calcium)
  4. Mukta Pishti (Natural Calcium)
  5. Giloy Satva (Extract)(Tinospora cordifolia)
  6. Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina)
  7. Khurasani ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi)
  8. Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi)
  9. Bhanga (Cannabis sativa)
  10. Arjuna Terminalia arjuna
  11. Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)
  12. Pipal Tvak (Ficus religiosa)
  13. Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
  14. Chhoti Elaichi (Elettaria cardamomum)
  15. Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna)
  16. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
  17. Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
  18. Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis)

Herbal Remedies for Managing Cholesterol by Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda is a GMP certified hub known to manufacture the best quality herbal products to manage a variety of ailments. The formulations are based as per classical texts. The herbal products used to manage the raised cholesterol are

Product List

  1. Arjuna Tea
  2. Arjuna Capsules
  3. Pitta Balance
  4. Total Heart Support
Herbal remedies for managing cholesterol.

Buy Now: Herbal remedies for managing cholesterol.

These formulations are loaded with herbs used to enhance the levels of good cholesterol and lower down the levels of bad cholesterol. The ingredients of these herbal formulations are– Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina), JaharMohra Pishti (Serpentine), Kaharava Pishti (Amber of Succinite), Akik Pishti, Mukta Pishti, Giloy Satva (Tinospora Cordifolia), Khurasani ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi), Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Bhanga (Cannabis sativa), Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Pipal Tvak (Ficus religiosa), Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Chhoti Elaichi (Elettaria cardamomum), Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis).

These herbs are well known blood detoxifiers, manage the atherosclerosis, boost the heart rate, and manage the decreased ejection fraction. Arjuna is a well known herb and a rich source of the anti-oxidants and acts as natural anticoagulant. Arjuna tea can be used as a replacement for early morning milk tea.
Punarnava enhances the haemoglobin levels and is beneficial to manage coronary artery problems. Other herbs also help to enhance the cholesterol metabolism, open the channels and target the root cause of the problem.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or Call at 0172-521-4030 (India), +91-172-521-4030 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 9915-593-604


In conclusion we can say that the herbal solutions of the Planet ayurveda are best to lower the levels of bad cholesterol. These herbal remedies also manage liver conditions therefore enhance the metabolism of the cholesterol. It is important to follow the diet properly and important to avoid food rich in trans fats. Also patients are advised to cut down the intake of excessive dairy and meat products. The lean and fibrous diet is very important to follow. Vegetables, avocados, almond milk or plant based protein sources are advised and are a good option. The herbs are able to clear the plaques associated with high and long term continuous cholesterol. The products of Planet Ayurveda mentioned above are good, authentic, GMP certified and result oriented.

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is a Globally Renowned Ayurveda Physician with Expertise of more than 25 Years. He is the CEO & Founder of http://www.PlanetAyurveda.com, a leading Ayurveda Brand, Manufacturing, and Export Company with a Chain of Clinics and Branches in the US, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, and other parts of the World. He is also an Ayurveda Author who has written Books on Ayurveda, translated into Many European Languages. One of his Books is "Ayurveda – God’s Manual for Healing". He is on a Mission to Spread Ayurveda All Over the Planet through all the Possible Mediums. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of the Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit. Read More

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