Home Remedies for Hernia (Aantravridhi)

The peritoneal cavity is a fluid-filled sac which covers our all viscera (Internal organs). It provides lubrication to the internal organs and enables viscera to move freely. When these organs come out from the peritoneal cavity the condition is called a hernia. In other words, the intestinal hernia is a protrusion of an intestine through the peritoneal cavity, in which it resides. It produces bulge over that region and creates discomfort for the patient. Mostly men are affected than females. According to Ayurveda intestinal hernia is called as Aantravridhi. It is a Vata dosha pradhana vyadhi.


(Reference – Bhavaprakasha / Madhyam khanda / Chikitsaprakarana / Vridhivradhnaadhikara / Chapter no. 43 / Shaloka no. 9)

  • Aahar (Diet) – Excessive consumption of ruksha (dry), Khara (rough), Sheeta (cold), junk foods are considered as Vata prakopak aharas.
  • Vihaar (Lifestyle) – Suppressing the natural urges (especially maturation and defecation), lifting heavy loads, performing strenuous exercises, straining while defecation, usage of cold water.
  • Mansik (Mental Status) – Chinta (tension), shoka (grief)
  • Vanshik karana (Hereditary Cause) – This disease is also capable of passing from parents to offspring.
  • Another major cause is any injury over the abdominal region.

Some Triggering Factors

  • Constipation – Due to constipation intraabdominal pressure will increase which in turn puts pressure over intestine, thus intestinal loops come out from the cavity.
  • Cough – While coughing there is increased pressure in the thoracic cavity, the abdominal cavity due to the involvement of thoracic, abdominal and intercostal muscles. That is why cough is considered as a provoking factor of this condition.
  • Obesity


(Reference – Bhavaprakasha / Madhyam khanda / Chikitsaprakarana / Vridhivradhnaadhikara / Chapter no. 43 / Shaloka no. 9)


(Leads To)

Vata Prakopa

Pitta Prakopa

Kapha Prakopa

Vitiated doshas occupy the place where ever is “ख वैगुण्यता” Intestine leaves its own place and protrudes out from peritoneal cavity (from the site which is weak) Produces a cyst like swelling (Umbilicus and Inguinal hernia)


  • Pain – When intestinal loops dislocate from the site, the person feels pain. Pain increases while coughing.
  • Inflammation – A special characteristic feature of this swelling is that by pressing, it will disappear and again come back after leaving.
  • Constipation – As Vata is the main vitiated dosha, it creates dryness in the colon, hence patient of hernia ends up with constipation.
  • Discomfort during cough and hiccups.

Types Of Hernia

Classification is made depending upon the site from where intestine bulges out. They are  –

  • Umbilical hernia – When the abdominal wall is damaged at the umbilical region then intestine or omentums may protrude out. Then this condition is called an umbilical hernia.
  • Inguinal hernia – Inguinal hernia is defined as a protrusion of abdominal contents in the inguinal canal.

Home Remedies


Constipation is one of the major issues in the hernia. To relieve constipation – one must take 5 grams of Triphala powder along with milk at bedtime.

2. Ajvayan

Take ajmoda arka (8- 10 drops) and pudina swarasa (15-20 drops) dissolve them in lukewarm water, helps to reduce hernia, advised twice daily preferably before food.

3. Haritaki

Boil the fruits of haritaki in cow milk, and then fry them in castor oil, pound them well in minute powder. This haritaki powder if taken along with black salt, ajvayan, and hing, cures hernia of its root. Dosage – 5gms.

4. Milk

In a glass of hot milk add cow urine (25ml) and shakara (25 grams). This remedy is very effective in inguinal hernia.

5. Harad

Powder of harad, mulethi and saunf (fennel seeds) along with plain water at bedtime is effective in managing this condition. All these medicines should be in equal quantities. Dosage – 1 gm.

6. Chandan

If the paste of rakta chandan, mulathi , khas and kamal applied over swelling, it will subside burning sensation and pains.

7. Vacha

Grind vacha with sarshapa taila (mustard oil) and apply locally.

8. Eranda

Daily intake of 2 spoons of castor oil is beneficial in this condition. Even you can add 5 to 10 drops of castor oil in a glass of milk helps you to relieve constipation. It can be used twice daily.

9. Guggul (Commiphora Mukul)

Guggul, lodhra, fitkari (alum) grind them well with water and apply over the hernia. It stops further growth.

10. Betel leaves

Apply oil on betel leaves and then heat it on the fire and tie over the hernia.

11. Coffee

coffee is beneficial in treating a hernia, you can drink it as well as also use it locally to wash swelling, and it promotes the reduction of swelling.

12. Mulathi

Prepare a decoction of mulathi (liquorice root), rasna (Pluchea Lanceolata), eranda (castor) and gokshura (tribulus terrestris). Drink this decoction by adding a few drops of castor oil in it.

  • Powder of indravaruni root consumes with cow milk or castor oil.

13. Aaragvadha

Drink the decoction made up of rasna, aragwadha, mulethi, gokshura by adding a few drops of castor oil is beneficial.

14. Devadaru

Devadaru kwatha and cow urine, if consumed together it will help in reducing the size of hernia.

15. Gorakhmundi

Take equal quantity of powders of gorakhmundi flowers, bhangra, Shatavari and musli. Dosage – 3 grams of Churna. Anupana – Water.


To Be Taken

  • Rice (prefer Shashtika shali)
  • Pulses – Take moonga daal, masur daal, arhar daal, chana daal
  • Vegetables – Pointed gourd, carrot, ginger, brinjal, spinach, beetroot
  • Dairy products – Cow milk, prefer lukewarm one. And even you can take fresh buttermilk.
  • Fruits – Apple, grapes, orange, pomegranate etc.
  • Other foods – Garlic, honey, elephant’s foot (jimikand)

Should Be Avoided

  • Avoid the use of Udad daal (Black gram), dadhi (curd), pishtanna (fermented food stuffs), freshly harvested rice, ripened banana, seafood.


  • Increase the intake of fiber rich foods as it helps to prevent
  • Avoid pressure while defecation as it will increase intra abdominal pressure, hence the intestine will protrude out.
  • Stop strenuous exercises.
  • Prefer hot water for washing region of hernia.
  • Avoid excessive consumption of sweet foodstuffs.
  • Avoid excessive exposure to wind, cold water and sunlight.

              “Never suppress the natural urges”

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book "Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing". He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com.

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