Herbs and Supplements for Acid Reflux (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
Nowadays people don’t follow the rules like ‘Dincharya’(daily routine) and ‘Ritucharya’(seasonal routine). All these things disturb the balance of ‘Tridosha’. In addition to these various vices such as smoking and alcohol results in the disturbance of normal physiology of the body, which again affects G.I. tract and thus produces G.I. disorders. The Pitta dosha is disturbed by all of the above mentioned elements. Diseases like Amlapitta (Gastritis), Ajirna (Indigestion), Annadravashoola and Parinamashoola (Peptic ulcer disease) can be correlated with GERD. Amlapitta is a very common disease commonly affecting all parts of the world. It requires proper management otherwise it leads to serious problems. Let’s have a Look in Detail!
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common disease with a prevalence as high as 10%-20% in the western world. In which the stomach contents move up into the esophagus. This backwash is known as acid reflux, and it can irritate the lining of the esophagus. Reflux becomes a disease when it causes frequent or severe symptoms or injury. Reflux may damage the esophagus, pharynx or respiratory tract. This all happens due to weakness of lower esophageal sphincter, a valve controlling the one way flow of food and stomach. Many people experience acid reflux now and then. However, when acid reflux happens repeatedly over time, it can cause GERD.
- Repeatedly acid reflux :- Upward flow of stomach bile into the esophagus due to abnormal relaxation of LES ( Lower esophageal sphincter).
- Zollinger Ellison Syndrome:- Gastric acidity increases due to gastrin production.
- Obstructive sleep apnea :- During sleep, due to less clearance of acid in your throat, it leads to exposure of the acid to the lining of your throat.
- Gallstones :- It blocks the flow of bile acids into the duodenum.
- Long term usage of medications.
- Glenard syndrome:- In this condition, the stomach has sunk in the abdomen upsetting the motility and acid secretion of the stomach.
- Autoimmune condition: – like scleroderma and systemic sclerosis causes esophageal dysmotility.
- Heartburn (Pyrosis) :- Burning sensation in the chest occurs especially in lying down or in bending condition. Sometimes there is a sour taste in your mouth.
- Regurgitation of food or acid reflux. This is the typical symptom.
- Epigastric fullness, epigastric pressure, epigastric pain, dyspepsia, nausea, bloating and belching are the major atypical symptoms.
- Chronic Cough, Bronchospasm, Wheezing, Hoarseness, sore throat, asthma, laryngitis, dental erosions are the extraesophageal symptoms.
The diagnosis of GERD is typically made by a combination of clinical symptoms, response to acid suppression, as well as objective testing with upper endoscopy and esophageal pH monitoring.
- Complete history of patients including family history, lifestyle ,occupation history help to make the diagnosis of GERD.
- Endoscopy :- help to look inside the food pipe which shows the degree of esophageal mucosal injury.
- Biopsies performed under gastroscopy.
- Esophageal motility test.
- Trial and Error method:- short term treatment with proton pump inhibitors and if patients get relief from your treatment it means there is positive diagnosis of GERD.
Treatments include lifestyle modification, PPI medicines , and laparoscopic fundoplication. New and advanced endoscopic and less invasive surgical procedures are evolving. Although usage of PPI remains the dominant treatment, long-term therapy requires follow-up and reevaluation for potential adverse effects.
- Lifestyle Modification:-
- Avoid oily, spicy, acidic food
- Avoid tight fitting cloth :- They put pressure on tight fitting cloth, pushing stomach and causing acid reflux into the esophagus
- We can include fresh fruits and vegetables in our diet.
- Keep your bed elevated during sleeping
- Avoid stress take proper sleep
- Drugs used in treatment of GERD mainly include Acid Neutralizing Drugs/ Inhibitory Drugs Antacids, Proton pump inhibitor, H2 Receptor Antagonists etc.
Ayurvedic Posint of View
GERD can be compared to Amlapitta (GERD) because amlapitta symptoms very closely resemble GERD. Because due to our sedentary lifestyle (Ahara vihara) Pitta attains too much of amalata (sourness). Due to consumption of causative factors it will increase Pitta. This condition shows symptoms of sour taste in the mouth, heartburn, indigestion, tastelessness etc. Further other doshas Kapha and Vata get mixed with morbid Pitta and make it more complicated.
- Virudha Ahara :- Wrong food combination
- Dushta Ahara :- Contaminated food
- Amla :- Sour food
- Pitta parkopa anna paan:- Food and drinks which aggravate Pitta
- Svahetu upachitam pittam:- Pitta which is already accumulated in the body due to various aggravating factors.
Pitta getting aggravated due to above causative factors and attain amalata and lead to amlapitta.
Sign & Symptoms
- Avipaka:- Indigestion
- Klama:- Excessive lethargy
- Utklesha :- Watery mouth
- Tikata udgara:- bitter belching episode
- Amla udgara:- Sour belching episode
- Gaurava:- Heaviness in the body
- Hriddaha :- burning sensation in the chest
- Aruchi :- loss of taste
- Urdhawagami amlapitta (Gastritis): movement of Pitta Toward Upward
The individual may also experience bitter or sour tasting belching. Other symptoms include a burning sensation in the throat, chest, and upper abdomen, headaches, burning sensation in the palms and soles of the feet, excessive heat sensation, loss of appetite, appearance of rashes, and itching
- Adhogami Amlapitta (Gastritis with anxiety) :- Movements of pitta toward downward.
This condition is characterized by symptoms such as thirst, a burning sensation, fainting, giddiness, delusions, various forms of diarrhea leading to downward movement, occasional chest oppression, rashes on the skin, poor digestion, horripilation (goosebumps), excessive perspiration, and a yellowish appearance in the skin
Treatment according to Ayurveda
Useful Formulation and Diet include
- Diet includes :- Barley, Wheat, Old Pumpkin, Spiny gourd, Old pumpkin, pomegranate, Food & drinks should be added in diet. Drink Coconut water twice a day. We can chew fennel seeds after eating. We can consume fruits like gooseberries,dry grapes, black grapes,sweet lime, dry figs.
- Lifestyle :- Take one teaspoonful of ghee with warm milk, Make sure adequate sleep & rest. We can do yoga, medication or exercise regularly.
- Panchakarma Treatment :- Panchakarma procedures like Vaman (emesis ) or Virechana (Purgation) is treatment of choice
- Ayurvedic Medicines for Amalpitta mentioned in GERD :- Punarnavasva, Chinchadi Lehyam, Dasmmola Haritaki Lehyam, Gaganeshwara Rasa , Aragwadhamrutadi Kashyam.
Herbal Remedies for Gerd By Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda provides the best herbal remedies for Amlapitta. Planet Ayurveda is a GMP Certified, US-FDA Registered Ayurvedic Store. We have 100% pure and natural products .We are offering the best quality ayurvedic Product and medicine all over the world. The firm also offers skin care products such as scrubs, face wash, body butter, toners, soaps, etc. These products are free from chemicals and preservatives. These medicines are Manufactured under the supervision of MD ayurveda doctors. The company also sells products globally through partnered distributors. Special acidity care kit is manufactured by Planet ayurveda which is a combination of four products including Amalaki rasayan, Digestion support, Heartburn capsule, Mahashankh vati. We will discuss this Planet ayurveda acidity care pack which is very useful and excellent results in hyperacidity.
Product Description
1. Amalaki Rasayan
Amalaki rasayan is one of the best formulations prepared by planet ayurveda . It mainly contains standardized extract of Amla (Emblica officinalis). It mainly work to balance the Pitta dosha in the body because of its Madhura (sweet) and Sita (cold) nature. Due to its antisecretory, antiulcer and cytoprotective properties. It works against the excessive acid formation and gives protection to the cell walls of the stomach.
Dosage:- 1 Capsule twice a day after meals.
2. Digestion Support
Digestion Support is a very trusted natural product by using different ingredients which help to support the digestive system and relieve acidity symptoms. It is available in capsule form manufactured by using ingredients are Amla (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Termanalia chebula), Bahera (Terminalia bellerica), Sounf (Foeniculum vulgare), Dhania (Coriander sativum) . The herbs act together in a synergistic manner and show carminative, antacid, and digestive stimulants as cooling effects. It helps in relieving the flatulence, decrease the production of acid formation which is the main cause of Amalpitta (GERD).
Dosage :- 1 capsule, twice a day after meal
3. Heartburn capsule
This capsule is available in capsule form which is prepared by Planet Ayurveda. It is a superb combination of Parval Pishti ( Coral compounds), Akik Pishti (Agate compounds), Mukta Pishti (Pearl compound), Giloy Satva (Tinospora cordifolia). By its anti toxic, anti acidic, digestive stimulant properties. It helps to neutralize the excessive acid and secrete the digestive juices which help in healthy digestion. It also makes us hungry because of its appetizer properties. So overall it helps in maintaining a healthy digestive system.
Dosage:- 1-2 capsules , twice a day after meal.
4. Mahashankh vati
Mahashankh vati is polyherbal remedy which is prepared by planet ayurveda by using these ingredients which are Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Pippali (Piper longum), Shankh bhasma (Incinerated shankh bhasam), Tamarind bark (Tamarindus indica), Shuddha vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox) etc. It has alkaline properties which help to neutralize the excessive acid formation. It reduces excessive production of acid. It also has vatanulomana (Vata balancing) properties which help in reducing gas and bloating . Although it has some hot potency drugs but still due to the presence of shankh bhasma as its ingredient it helps in providing a cooling effect. By combination of these herbal drugs it shows anti flatulence, anti acidic , anti inflammatory properties so that it is helpful in Amlapitta.
Dosage :- 1 tablet twice a day 10 min before meals with warm water.
In this article we conclude that Amlapitta is an extremely bothersome disease caused by a faulty lifestyle, dietary discriminations and mental stress. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle not only makes a person confident and productive but also drives him to success. “By performing appropriate diet and mode of life, practicing exercises, restraining greed, having self-control, and being truthful, the disease subsides.”Planet ayurveda formulation are very innovative and natural trusted products which help to make us free from diseases and various kind of health issues because they are free from preservatives. Their diet plan also helps us to differentiate the diet according to a particular disease.