Herbal Treatment for Er and Pr-Positive Breast Cancer?


Breast cancer tops the list of the most common types of cancer being observed worldwide. In the year 2020, 7.8 million women were suffering from breast cancer, and out of this around 6.8 lakhs passed away. More than 25 women/lakh are estimated to be suffering from breast cancer in India alone keeping the country in first place in the breast cancer list. Family histories and genetics play a very important role in the case of breast cancer aetiology. Bad lifestyles, chronic inflammation, and lack of physical activities also play major roles in this case. Delayed diagnosis and improper treatment lead to a worse prognosis. In this article, we will go through the topic of breast cancer, its introduction, its causes, its PR-positive and ER-positive types, its diagnosis, and treatment. There will also be an Ayurvedic concept and management of the same discussed in this article.  

Er and Pr-Positive - Breast Cancer

Introduction to Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies that are observed in women after skin cancer. This type of cancer can be seen in both males and females but mostly females are affected. DNA damage and mutation in genes can be a causative factor of such types of cancers. People with a family history are also known to be more prone to suffer from such cancers. Breasts are formed of fat and tissues and have the function of producing milk. Both breast sizes or appearance can vary slightly from one another and can have changes associated with menstruation, pregnancy, weight loss, and weight gain and get lax with age. Breast tissue also extends to the axilla and the lymph nodes associated with it. When a tumor forms in breast tissue, it is very often observed that it metastases the axillary lymph nodes too causing a lot of discomfort and pain.

Etiology of Breast Cancer

In the aetiology of breast cancers, lifestyle, environmental, genetic, and hormonal factors play a very important role. Breast cancer starts forming when a few cells in the breast start growing in an abnormal pattern and attack healthy cells as well. Apart from this, the presence of breast cancer genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 also increases the risk of cancer and that too both breast and ovarian cancers. Along with this, certain risk factors can increase the risk of breast cancer and these can include the following

  • Increasing age
  • Family history of ovarian and breast cancers,
  • Being a female,
  • Radiation exposure,
  • Beginning of menopause,
  • Hormonal therapies,
  • Alcoholism,
  • Smoking,
  • Drugs,

Breast cancer can also be observed in males and can be due to the following reasons

  • High Oestrogen levels due to Klienfielter’s syndrome
  • Genetic mutations
  • Surgical removal of testes

Breast cancers can be observed in both males and females who are above 40 and above or have had a history of sedentary lifestyle, obesity, radiation exposure, alcoholism, smoking, and drug consumption.

Types of Breast Cancer

Post diagnosis with breast cancer all pathology reports are reviewed to determine the type of breast cancer present. This is a very complex process and it is very important to diagnose the type correctly as it will determine the prognosis and line of treatment of underlying cancer. A simple tissue biopsy can help in differentiating breast cancers based on the cell type, the receptors present, and the location of the cancer.

Types of Breast Cancers Based on Location Are

Connective tissues

A rare situation also known as sarcoma affects muscles, blood, and breast tissue fat.

Milk ducts

A most common type of cancer also known as ductal carcinoma is observed to be forming in the lining of milk ducts and can be very painful for the patient and can include nipples as well. Ductal carcinomas can be invasive if they spread out from ducts and non-invasive if they don’t.

Milk-producing lobules

  • This type of cancer usually starts in lobules but if it breaks out then it is termed invasive.
  • Types of breast cancers based on the appearance of cancer cells under a microscope. This involves looking for two things

The unique appearance of cancer cells

  • This helps to divide cancers based on the appearance of cells under the microscope.

The amount of difference between cancer and normal cells

  • This helps in marking the grade of cancer cells and can lie between 1 to 3, out of which the grade 3 cancer is the most different in look and usually is aggressive.

Types of Breast Cancers Based on the Hormonal Status of Breast Cancer Cells

  • A few breast cancer cells are sensitive to hormones present in the body

ER or Estrogen receptor-positive

  • These types of breast cancer cells are dependent on estrogen in the body to grow and develop.

PR or Progesterone receptor-positive

  • These are progesterone-sensitive cells and require endocrine therapy to block their growth.

HR or hormone receptor-negative

  • These cells lack any kind of hormonal receptors and have no effect of any kind of hormone blocker or endocrine treatments.

Types of Breast Cancers Based on the Genetic Makeup of the Cancer Cells

It is very crucial to determine the type of genetic makeup of cancer cells as it helps in research purposes as well as treatment and outcomes. This can be determined by taking a small biopsy of the cancer cells and these include the following

HER2 gene

  1. The cells having this gene are known to overproduce growth-promoting protein which is known as HER2 and these types of cancer cells require inhibition therapies that can slow the growth of cancer cells and also kill them.
  2. Other tumour markers involved are also required to be studied to stop and kill the cancerous cells and restore the normal cells. These also help in the discovery of new chemotherapy drugs and dietary changes. Breast cancer cells are grouped into different groups based on the genetic information of the cells. These groups are as follows

Group 1 or Luminal A

Tumors that are ER and PR positive but test negative for HER2 fall into this category. These cancers show a great prognosis with hormonal therapy and sometimes chemotherapy as well.

Group 2 or Luminal B

Tumors that are ER and HER2 positive but are negative for PR fall into this category. These types of tumors benefit more from chemotherapy as well as hormonal therapy.

Group 3 or HER2 positive

Tumours falling into this category test positive for HER2 and negative for ER and PR. These cancers benefit a lot from chemotherapies.

Group 4 or Basal-like

These are also known as triple-negative breast cancers as they are ER, Pr, and HER2 negative. These cancers are observed to benefit from chemotherapy.

Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

A timely diagnosis is necessary in the case of breast cancer as this will determine the prognosis and treatment of it. Diagnosis also determines the stage of the cancer and its curability. Multiple screening procedures are required to diagnose breast cancer and determine its stage. These procedures can include the following

Breast Examination

Breasts and axillary lymph nodes are examined for the presence of any lumps or growths

Breast Ultrasound

Lumps, solid masses, or cystic growths can be seen through his procedure


This is an x-ray procedure of breasts that helps to detect abnormalities and also helps to examine the structure of breasts.


Removing a part of the breast and examining it under a microscope to access the structure of cells and tissues can help in early detection, staging, and treatment.

Apart from this, many other tests are also performed along with the above-mentioned tests like blood tests, bone scans, CT scans, and PET scans but all of these tests are purely done based on the doctors choice and the condition of the patient.

Modern Management of Breast Cancer

In allopathy, the method of management will vary as per the condition of the patient, grading, size, and staging of the cancer. The patient’s overall health is also accessed and then only the line of treatment is decided. Surgery along with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hormonal therapy is the choice of treatment in most cases. Treatment shall only be decided after obtaining a proper opinion from a breast and cancer specialist. Following procedures can be done to manage breast cancers

  1. Mastectomy is a process of removal of breast tissues and it can be unilateral or bilateral depending upon genetic predisposition and family history. In some cases, a healthy breast along with the affected one is also removed to prevent further recurrence of cancer and this method is termed contralateral prophylactic mastectomy,
  2. Sentinel node biopsy depending upon the spread of cancer to lymph nodes, affected lymph nodes are removed,
  3. Radiation therapy followed after lumpectomy or mastectomy helps in killing the surrounding cancerous cells,
  4. Lumpectomy or removal of the lump or cancerous growth from breasts,

Breast surgery can have multiple complications varying on the type of procedure done and these can include the following: –

  • Bleeding,
  • Pain,
  • Infections,
  • Arm swelling/lymphedema.

In some cases, patients can also opt for silicone or water-based implants to maintain the look of the body. These can be implanted at the time of mastectomy or during later periods as well.

Prevention of Breast Cancer

Having a family history or genetic predominance of breast cancer leads to a high risk of this health issue but prevention can be done by avoiding the risk factors to keep this issue away. The following measures can be taken: –

  • Mammograms every year can help in keeping track of breast health and can lead to early diagnosis and better prognosis
  • Self-examining of the breast can help in the early detection of nodules or lumps in the breast
  • Restricting alcohol from diet or taking it in moderation,
  • Total avoiding of smoking
  • A proper exercise routine,
  • Limiting postmenopausal therapies and other hormonal therapies,
  • Managing weight,
  • Taking a proper and healthy diet consisting of extra virgin olive oils and nuts can help a lot in preventing breast cancer.

Ayurvedic Overview of Breast Cancer

Ayurveda is a well-known medical practice that has assisted in many cases of cancer by reducing or avoiding it. Harmony of tri doshas i.e. Vata, pitta, and kapha is the main reason for the proper function of the body without any issues but if these tridoshas get vitiated then bodily functions also get disturbed and there occurs accumulation of toxins or ama which ultimately leads to body function derangement and cancer in some cases. If this vitiation of doshas is not managed on time then this can also lead to tissue damage and metabolic derangements. The four basic methods of Ayurvedic treatment of any disease are as follows

  • Parkititsthapani Chikitsa or the preservation of health,
  • Rasyana Chikitsa or the restoration of normal function,
  • Roganashini Chikitsa which means the disease cure and,
  • Naishthiki Chikitsa or Spiritual approach.

Breast cancer mainly is considered to be forming due to the disturbance of tri dosha that further affects the mamsa or muscle mass which further leads to the formation of growths and tumours. The Charak and Sushruta Samhitas have classified cancer as per Ayurveda as Granthi (painless) or a mild neoplasm or as Arbuda (mildly painful) which is a significant neoplasm. Ayurvedic medications nourish the whole body, boost immunity, and operate on the biochemical pathways in the cells to restore the balance of all vitiated doshas.

Planet Ayurveda’s Natural Solutions for Breast Cancer

Ayurvedic medications can help in better outcomes in cancer patients if given at the right doses as they work with chemotherapy drugs to provide better life expectancy for the patient. These medications can also be considered for the patient who is unable to bear chemotherapy. Planet Ayurveda is an Ayurvedic clinic in Punjab and a manufacturer of Ayurvedic medications certified by ISO. The medications are formed strictly based on the principles of Ayurveda mentioned in ancient texts under the strict guidance of MD Ayurveda experts. Planet Ayurveda has come up with an Ayurvedic pack

The Crab Care Pack, that can both act as an alternative medication for cancer patients and can help in improving the life quality of cancer patients as well. This pack includes

Products List

  • Kanchnaar guggul
  • Curcumin capsules
  • Ashwagandha Capsules
  • Tulsi Capsules
  • Chandraprabha vati
  • Guggul Capsules

Crab Care PackCrab Care Pack

Products Description

1. Kanchnaar guggul

Kanchnaar guggul is a wonderful remedy that has been used to treat cancers (benign and malignant) since ancient times. Being formulated with Kachnar bark (Bauhinia variegata), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Guggul (Commiphora mukul)it is rich in cytotoxic properties like free radical scavengers, polyphenols, and alkaloids which help in regulating the division of cells and slows down the rate of proliferation of the same as well. It also blocks the inflammatory pathways and stops the release of cancer factors. Apart from all of this, Kanchnaar guggul also helps to get rid of kapha accumulation that might lead to cysts or tumours.

Dosage: – 2 tablets after meals, thrice a day with lukewarm water.

2. Curcumin capsules

Curcumin capsules are the richest and purest source of haridra extracts that are known to balance out all three doshas and strengthen immunity. It also helps to decrease swelling and inflammation in the affected areas. Curcumin also inhibits cancer cell replication and proliferation.

Dosage: – 2 capsules after meals, twice a day with lukewarm water.

3. Ashwagandha Capsules

Ashwagandha Withania somnifera is known to have an effect in the case of breast cancers, especially PR and ER-positive breast cancers. It also helps to improve the quality of life and reduce fatigue in breast cancer patients. It is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the symptoms of cancer.

Dosage: – 2 capsules after meals, twice a day with lukewarm water.

4. Tulsi Capsules

Tulsi also known as Ocimum sanctum or Holy basil is called in Ayurveda an ‘Elixir of life’ as it has many medicinal properties. Tulsi is known to have a protective effect on organs and cells against stress and damage. Tulsi in the case of breast cancer can prevent metastasis and stop tumour growth. Tulsi is also known to improve overall health by boosting the immunity and bodys ability to fight diseases. Tulsi capsules at Planet Ayurveda have the purest extracts of Ocimum sanctum.

Dosage: –  2 capsules after meals, twice a day with lukewarm water.

5. Chandraprabha vati

This is an ancient remedy mentioned in old Ayurvedic texts that is composed of 37 herbal ingredients like Shilajit (Asphaltum punjabianum), Guggul (Commiphora mukul), Vacha (Acorus calamus), Haridra (Curcuma longa) and many more. The term Chadraprabha in Sanskrit is split into two – Chandra which means moon and Prabha which means glow Therefore, this medication improves overall health including body functioning, and provides a natural moon-like glow to the face.

Dosage: – 2 tablets after meals, twice a day with lukewarm water.

6. Guggul Capsules

Guggul capsules are prepared from the purest gum resin or oily sap extracted from the Commiphora mukul tree. These extracts are considered to be rich in guggulsterone which is known to act like estrogen and downregulate the expression of Progesterone receptors and Estrogen Receptors found in various breast cancers. Guggul is also known to promote the good health of cells and maintain a good structure and function of cells. Being rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties it also helps to prevent diseases and fight pain and debility due to diseases.

Dosage: – 2 capsules after meals, twice a day with lukewarm water.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 9915-593-604


Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer seen worldwide and also one of the most mistreated cases as timely detection is not done. There has been much work done to make people aware of breast cancers which have not only led to a fall in the number of new cases but also are helping decrease the number of deaths through timely diagnosis and proper treatment. A lot of options are available to treat this cancer in different medical sciences but results and effects vary. Planet Ayurveda provides herbal remedies for managing the condition of breast cancer which are very safe and effective and can help to improve the quality of life of the patient.

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is a Globally Renowned Ayurveda Physician with Expertise of more than 25 Years. He is the CEO & Founder of http://www.PlanetAyurveda.com, a leading Ayurveda Brand, Manufacturing, and Export Company with a Chain of Clinics and Branches in the US, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, and other parts of the World. He is also an Ayurveda Author who has written Books on Ayurveda, translated into Many European Languages. One of his Books is "Ayurveda – God’s Manual for Healing". He is on a Mission to Spread Ayurveda All Over the Planet through all the Possible Mediums. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of the Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit. Read More

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