Herbal Remedies For Endometriosis Treatment in Ayurveda
An endometrial infection or inflammation is known as endometritis. There are two forms of endometritis: chronic and acute. Under a microscope, an inspection reveals micro-abscesses and neutrophil invasion in the superficial endometrium, indicative of acute endometritis. Postpartum endometritis is one of its most prevalent forms. Often discovered during the workup of secondary amenorrhea and infertility, chronic endometritis is a silent illness. Especially in developing countries, TB is a major cause of chronic endometritis. Both acute and chronic endometritis have been linked to unfavourable reproductive outcomes. This is a scoping review on the effects of endometritis on the reproductive system. This article describes the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, management and complications of the disease along with the ayurvedic aspect.
The inflammation of the uterine lining is known as endometritis. Every layer of the uterus may be affected. Although the uterus is normally aseptic, inflammation and infection can result from the proximal migration of bacteria from the cervix and vagina. Endometritis can have two manifestations: acute and chronic, associated or unassociated with pregnancy. The most typical postpartum infection is postpartum endometritis. The majority of instances of postpartum endometritis are caused by the migration of normal vaginal flora into the uterine cavity during labour and delivery. These cases involve both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
Types of Endometritis
1. Acute Endometritis
For endometrial infections that last fewer than 30 days, acute endometritis unrelated to pregnancy is usually categorised as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). It usually results from either a bacterial vaginosis (BV)-causing organism or a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Histologically, neutrophilic infiltration and the development of micro abscesses are its defining features. Furthermore, while acute endometritis alone does not seem to be linked to lower fertility rates, acute salpingitis, which usually coexists with acute endometritis in PID, is linked to tubal factor infertility because of scarring.
2. Chronic Endometritis
A more subdued chronic inflammatory illness that lasts at least 30 days and is unrelated to pregnancy is called chronic endometritis. Along with other indications of persistent inflammation, it is distinguished by the presence of plasma cells in the endometrial stroma. The illness is linked to recurrent pregnancy loss and other fertility difficulties, despite the fact that symptoms are usually minor and commonly go unnoticed.
An infection within the uterus is the cause of endometritis. It may be caused by a combination of healthy vaginal bacteria, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, or TB. After childbirth or miscarriage, it is more likely to happen. After a protracted labour or C-section, it also occurs more frequently. Following a pelvic operation that involves the cervix, there is an increased chance of endometritis.These methods consist of:
- Dilation and curettage, or D and C
- Uterine biopsy
- Using a handle
- Intrauterine Device (IUD) placement
- Birth (more frequent following a C-section than a vaginal birth)
- It is possible for endometritis to coexist with other pelvic infections.
- Abdomen enlargement
- Abnormal discharge or bleeding from the vagina
- Bowel movement discomfort, including constipation
- High temperature
- Feeling uneasy, uneasy, or bad in general
- Discomfort in the pelvis or lower abdomen (uterine discomfort).
- Use of antibiotics.
- Fluids through IV
- Proper rest.
- Abortion
- Generalised pelvic infection, or pelvic peritonitis
- Establishment of a pelvic or uterine abscess
- Septic shock
- Acid shock.
STIs may be the cause of endometritis. To aid in STI-related endometritis prevention:
- Treat sexually transmitted infections early.
- Ensure that, in the event of a STI, partners are treated.
- Adhere to safer sexual behaviours, like condom use.
- Antibiotics may be given to women undergoing C-sections prior to the procedure in order to avoid infections.
Ayurvedic View
In Ayurvedic literature it is related to vitiation of Vata and Pitta doshas. According to Ayurveda, endometritis is correlated with kaphaja artava dushti. In this, vitiated vata along with kapha dosha causes artava sroto dushti, known as kaphaja artava dushti. The artava vitiated by kapha is whitish or slightly yellowish in colour, mixed with bone marrow, and too thick. Endometriosis is often characterised by excessive mucus discharge. In chronic endometritis, oligomenorrhea is also seen. Thus, it appears that kaphaja artava dushti is a description of oligomenorrhea associated with chronic inflammation of reproductive organs, especially chronic endometritis.
- Factors that lead to kapha and sroto dushti
- Unprotected sex
- Krimi (parasite) infestation
Lakshana/ Symptoms
- Yellowish, lubricous, or thick menstrual blood
- Retention of urine
- Stiffness
- Lethargy
- Drowsiness
- Sleepiness
Herbal Remedies By Planet Ayurveda For Endometritis
As a licensed Ayurvedic clinic, Planet Ayurveda formulates several treatments to induce relief from various ailments. At Planet Ayurveda, all formulas are created organically without the need of preservatives. Every plant that is used to create medication is pure, all-natural, and really potent. A range of herbal medicines with no known negative effects are available from Planet Ayurveda to aid in the treatment of endometritis.
Product List
- Dashmularisht
- Kaishore guggul
- Pradrantak churna
- Sutika bharan ras
- Triphala capsules
Harbal Remedies For Endometriosis

1. Dashmularisht
Aegle marmelos (Bilva), Gambhari (Gmelina arborea), Premna integrifolia (Agnimanth), Tribulus terrestris (Gokshur), Tinospora cordifolia (Giloy), and a few other herbs are used in Planet Ayurveda’s multi-herbal formulation Dashmularishta. Gambhari has a purgative action, balances the Vata and Pitta doshas, and activates the digestive fire in this way. Bilva is beneficial to all female reproductive systems and contains anti-inflammatory properties. Dashmularishta is utilised to help mothers regain their health after giving delivery. It aids in uterine cleansing, regaining the strength of muscles and tissues, and boosting vitality following childbirth.
Dosage: Two teaspoons twice a day.
2. Kaishore Guggul
Planet Ayurveda created Kaishore Guggul, a polyherbal tablet, by combining a number of herbs and spices, including Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Emblica officinalis (Amalaki), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Commiphora mukul (Shuddha guggulu), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), and Piper nigrum (black pepper). It aids in lowering inflammation. It possesses antifungal, antibacterial, and antipyretic properties. It also has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. It removes harmful toxins from the body. It maintains the blood’s proper flow throughout the body.
Dosage: 2 tablets, twice a day.
3. Pradrantak Churna
Ashoka (Saraca asoca), Symplocos racemosa (Lodhra), Ficus glomerata (Udumber), and Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) are the four herbs used to make the polyherbal churna known as Pradrantak. It helps with infertility, vaginal or uterine infections, and uterine fibroids. It acts as an antibacterial. It can help with hormonal abnormalities as well. Ashoka is highly regarded for its applicability to gynaecological disorders. It tastes slightly like something dry and harsh. It exerts stimulating effects on the tissues of the ovary and endometrium.
Dosage: 1 teaspoon daily with warm water.
4. Sutika Bharan Ras
Planet Ayurveda created Sutika Bharan Ka ras, a multi-herbal remedy, with the aid of Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Shuddha parad (purified mercury), Tamra bhasma (copper ash), and Swarna bhasma (gold ash). This blend of mineral and herbal components is amazing. It is intended to address problems that may occur after delivery. This drug helps treat bacterial infections in the female reproductive system after childbirth. This medication’s antibacterial properties aid in the removal of microorganisms from the uterus and its environs.
Dosage: Take one tablet with plain water twice a day.
5. Triphala Capsules
Triphala capsules are a type of multi-herbal capsule that are created by Planet Ayurveda using Emblica officinalis (Amalaki), Terminalia chebula (Haritaki), and Terminalia bellerica (Bibhitaki). It has been demonstrated that triphala and its constituents are potent antibacterial agents that can treat a wide range of illnesses. It aids in the elimination of toxins from the body and the enhancement of intestinal health. In addition, it contains antioxidant and rasayana properties and boosts immunity. The inclusion of haritaki in this pill supports increased metabolism and the strengthening of the digestive system. Vitamin C, found in abundance in amalaki, supports immunity and the health of the liver. Benefits of bibhitaki for liver health are well established. As a result, triphala promotes immunity, aids in digestion, and gets rid of toxins.
Dosage: Take one capsule, twice a day, after meals, with plain water.
Inflammation of the uterine lining is known as endometritis. All uterine layers may be impacted. Although the uterus is normally aseptic, infection and inflammation can result from the proximal migration of bacteria from the vagina and cervix. Ayurveda says there is a connection between kaphaja artava dushti and endometritis. This is called kaphaja artava dushti, which is caused by vitiated vata and kapha dosha. The kapha-vitiated artava is excessively thick, combined with bone marrow, and has a pale or slightly yellowish colour. The hallmark of endometriosis is frequently an overabundance of mucus secretion. We go into great length about endometritis, its ayurvedic components, and herbal therapies in this article.