Herbal and Home Remedies for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth


Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) defined as excessive bacterial growth in the small intestine. SIBO patients are suffering from diarrhea, weight loss, or malabsorption. This disease occurs in a small number of patients. We have discussed various important points of the SIBO which include Ayurvedic aspects, causes, and symptoms, risk factors with effective herbal and home remedies.small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

Introduction of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

Trillions of microbes are home to a healthy large intestine, it is known as gut microbiota these are very important to human health. These microbes help in digestion, produce signaling molecules, stimulate the immune system, and synthesize vitamins. To keep these microbes away from the gut wall, the epithelium secretes a thick layer of mucus.

On the other hand, the small intestine relatively has a little number of microbes. It is a primary site for the absorption of nutrients in humans and has a thinner mucus layer to help the absorption of nutrients. Various mechanism help to balance low microbial number in a healthy small intestine are:

  • Contraction of the smooth muscle in the lining wall of the gut, which moves the contents along the gastrointestinal tract to the large intestine.
  • Antimicrobial peptides and immunoglobulin secreted by small intestinal epithelial cells.
  • The acidity of chyme when it enters the small intestine.

When these mechanisms break down, unusually large numbers of microbes grow in the small intestine and this condition is known as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. These microbes ferment food in the small intestine which produces hydrogen and other gases. They can also degenerate the thin mucus layer and come in contact with the gut barrier which can cause inflammation and intestinal permeability.

Ayurvedic Aspect of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

Ayurveda is a traditional and ancient form of medicine. It is a holistic approach to health. The goal of Ayurveda is to maintain a healthy person’s health and to alleviate disorders of the diseased. Ayurveda believes in maintaining health by balancing the mind, body, and soul. This balance can be maintained by the balance between Dosha, Dhatu, and Mala. Dosha are of three types each having its own dominating factors like Vata has Air dominating factor, Pitta has Fire dominating factors and Kapha has water dominating factors. The balance between these Dosha is known as a healthy state of body and imbalance of these Dosha can cause various health problems.

According to Ayurveda, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth can be correlated with Aama. By eating heavy undigested food or eating incompatible products, consumption of unclean and contaminated/infected food all these factors lead to a low digestive fire (Agni) due to which the first dhatu Rasa does not form properly so it remains in the Amashaya (stomach) for a long time and undergoes fermentation. This state of Rasa is creating Ama in the stomach. It can lead to various symptoms like indigestion, heaviness, lethargy, loss of strength.

Causes of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

There are some conditions which can cause small intestinal bacterial overgrowth are:

  • If your immune system is not working properly
  • The pH changes in your small bowel
  • Your small bowel has anatomic abnormalities
  • The muscular activity of the small intestine malfunctions, which means that food and bacteria aren’t removed from the organ.

Some Other Condition:

  • Crohn’s disease
  • Celiac disease
  • Viral gastroenteritis
  • Hypochlorhydria or low stomach acid
  • Cirrhosis
  • Gastroparesis
  • Portal hypertension
  • Nerve damage
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Surgeries that cause strictures or adhesions
  • Certain gastric bypass procedures

Symptoms of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth can cause various symptoms:

  • Pain
  • Constipation/diarrhea
  • Abdominal bloating and gas after meals
  • Soft, foul-smelling stools that stick to the bowl
  • Chronic loose stools or diarrhea
  • Fatigue: megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B12 malabsorption
  • Abdominal pain
  • indigestion
  • Mucus in stool
  • cramps
  • Bloating worse with sugar, fiber, and carbs
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Weight loss
  • Depression

Risk Factors for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth 

Various factors which can increase the risk of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth:

  1. Age: Older adults are more prone to this disease because they may make less of the gastric acid that helps in breaks down food
  2. Anatomy: rarely people have small intestines with an unusual shape. The difference in the structure of the gut can make food more slowly than normal and bacterial growth increases.
  3. Chronic diseases:some diseases like lupus, connective tissue disorders like scleroderma and diabetes can prevent the small intestine from work right. Some diseases like HIV, immunoglobulin A deficiency can cause immune system weakness and some other reasons can let to increase bacterial growth.
  4. Gender:females are more prone to this disease than males.
  5. Other factors:drinking alcohol, previous bowel surgery, and long-term use of proton pump inhibitors, which are medication that reduces stomach acid production.

Herbal Remedies by Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda believes in treating people according to Ayurveda. Planet Ayurveda provides herbal remedies that are derived from natural herbs. These herbs are prepared according to Ayurvedic Principles. These herbal remedies work on the root cause of the disease not only on symptoms. These herbal remedies are prepared according to the Dosha and help in balancing the aggravated dosha. These herbal remedies are 100% safe and do not contain any chemicals and preservatives. For small intestinal bacterial overgrowth Planet Ayurveda provides various herbal remedies like

  • Mahasankh Vati
  • Sanjivani Vati
  • Belgiri Churan
  • Parval panchamrit
  • Digestion supportHerbal SupplementsBuy now

1. Mahasankh Vati

This herbal remedy is prepared by various herbs like Chitraka, Amla, Saikharika, etc. this herbal remedy helps in balancing the Vata and Pitta Dosha. It also helps in detoxification of the stomach. It is very useful in increasing appetite and also helps in balancing the abdominal pH level. It has the property of anti-parasitic action and microbial.

Dose: 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.

2. Sanjivani Vati

This herbal remedy is prepared by various herbs like Vidanga, Pippali, Haritaki, Amlaki, etc. This herbal remedy helps in eliminating Aama (endotoxins). It helps in balancing Vata and Kapha Dosha in the body and also helps in increasing Pitta Dosha to burn out Aama and other waste materials in causing the blockage in channels.

Dose: 2-4 Tablets daily with plain water after meals.

3. Belgiri Churan

This churan is derived from Bael. It helps in balancing the Vata, Kapha Dosha and also helps in increasing the Pitta Dosha and enhances the strength of digestion. Beal is anti-pyretic in nature. This herb helps in fighting with various bacteria.

Dose: 1 teaspoonful twice daily with plain water after meals.

4.Parval Panchamrit

It contains Bhasma like Praval Bhasma, Mukta Bhasma, Sukti Bhasma, etc. it helps in promoting the healthy digestive system. It helps in balancing the Vata, Kapha and also helps in increasing the Pitta Dosha which helps in eliminating Aam Dosha from the body. It contains rejuvenating property.

Dose: 2 tablets thrice daily with honey after meals.

5. Digestion Support

This herbal remedy contains Amla, Haritaki, Bahera, etc. this herbal remedy helps in balancing the pH level of the stomach. This herbal remedy is best for healthy digestion. It helps in balancing the Vata and Kapha in the body which helps in increasing Pitta Dosha. It helps in eliminating Aam Dosha from the body.

Dose: 1-2 Capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

Home Remedies for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth 

1. Aloe-Vera juice: Aloe Vera can fight the pathogenic bacteria in the gut that can cause SIBO.

Method– blends Aloe-Vera fresh gel to extract the juice and drink a glass of this juice daily.

2.Ginger:Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities that help in treating SIBO.

Method– add 2inch of ginger to a cup of water and boil it in a saucepan after boiling simmer the gas and then strain it in glass and cool it a bit then add honey to it and drink it.

3.Grapefruit seed extract: Grapefruit seed can prevent harmful bacteria from growing in the gut without affecting gut flora.

Method: Add 9-10 drops of grapefruit seed extract to a glass of water mix it well and drink it. Drink it thrice daily.

4.Cinnamon: cinnamon helps in killing many diseases cause in intestinal.

Method- add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a glass of warm water mix it well then add some honey then drink it. Drink this once daily.

5.Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV):it helps in restoring pH levels in the stomach.

Method: Add a tablespoon of ACV to a glass of warm water mix it and drink it. Drink it daily.

Things to Prevent:

  • Start Consuming probiotic-rich foods to get the gut flora back to normal
  • Stop taking contraceptive piles
  • Follow a healthy diet
  • Avoid taking antidepressants and NSAIDs.
  • Limit alcohol intake

Food to Eat:

  • Oatmeal
  • Eggs
  • Broccoli
  • Leafy greens
  • Carrots
  • Rice
  • Pumpkin
  • Potatoes
  • Peanuts
  • Seeds
  • Fruits like grapes, orange, strawberries

Food to Avoid: 

  • Honey
  • Dried fruits
  • Cauliflower
  • Onions
  • Beans
  • Apples
  • Ice cream
  • Flavored yogurt
  • Soda and soft drinks


Small intestinal bacterial growth is a condition in which excessive bacteria growth in the small intestine can cause chronic diarrhea or constipation which can lead to weight loss. By using these home and herbal remedies are very useful in this condition.

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is a Globally Renowned Ayurveda Physician with Expertise of more than 25 Years. He is the CEO & Founder of http://www.PlanetAyurveda.com, a leading Ayurveda Brand, Manufacturing, and Export Company with a Chain of Clinics and Branches in the US, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, and other parts of the World. He is also an Ayurveda Author who has written Books on Ayurveda, translated into Many European Languages. One of his Books is "Ayurveda – God’s Manual for Healing". He is on a Mission to Spread Ayurveda All Over the Planet through all the Possible Mediums. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of the Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit. Read More

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