Gum Recession Symptoms, Causes, and Herbal Treatment
Do your gums bleed on brushing? Well, this can be an early symptom of a Gum Recession in which there is loss of gum tissues and retraction of gums. It is more common in adults of more than 40 years of age but may also occur in adolescence and children. Gum Recession may exist with or without collateral diseases. This article looks at basically what causes the Gum Recession and how to fix this issue with herbal remedies.
Generally, our teeth are surrounded by gums. The gums hold our teeth in their place. In some people, the gums of one tooth or more than one tooth begin to pull back. This pullback can be slight from the gingival margins or can be to the extent that teeth roots are exposed. If this condition is not treated at the time, the teeth gaps are formed in which food deposits begin to deposit that ultimately form tooth plaques. At this stage, if the treatment is not done, it will further convert into periodontitis and ultimately result in tooth loss.
Ayurvedic Aspect
In Ayurveda, teeth are known as Danta, and gums are known as Dantamoola. Teeth are considered a part of Aasthi dhatu. Danta swasthya (teeth and gums health) is described to be individualistic according to the prakriti of the person. Due to the imbalance of doshas various gum diseases occur such as – sheetad (foul smelly blood from gums), dantvesht (blood with pus cells in teeth sockets/gums), shoshir (painful foul bloody discharge). Ayurvedic treatments include herbal medicines and therapies to manage gum recession, which are detailed further in the article.
Gum recession can be due to various causes and carelessness towards basic oral hygiene. Some of the causes are listed below
- Avoiding brushing
- Wrong brushing techniques
- Hard brushing
- Tobacco chewing
- Smoking
- Cold sensitivity
- Sweet foods
- History of pyorrhea, diabetes
- Bone loss/injury
- Natural aging process
Some of the common symptoms that are seen in gum recession patients are
- The tooth looks longer than normal
- The gum line pulls back
- Sensitivity to cold and heat
- Bleeding after brushing
- Red and swollen gums
- Cavities below the gum line
- Change in tooth color
- Roots of the tooth are exposed (in severe cases)
- Bad breath
- Hypersensitivity of teeth
- Loose teeth
Diagnosis is made by the doctor directly by observing the gums. Miller’s classification is used to identify the extent of gum recession
Class 1
Recession does not extend to the mucogingival junction.
Class 2
Recession extends up to/beyond mucogingival junction, without loss of interproximal clinical attachment.
Class 3
Recession extends beyond mucogingival junction, with loss of interproximal clinical attachment or tooth rotation.
Class 4
Recession extends up to/beyond the mucogingival junction, with a loss of interproximal clinical attachment or tooth rotation being severe.
In some cases where millers classification cannot be implemented, Kumar and Masamattis classification is used.
Long-term and untreated gum recession may convert into
- Periodontitis
- Tooth loss
Basic treatment includes
- Gum graft surgery is done to replace the missing gum tissue.
- Therapeutic mouthwash to reduce the rate of food debris and plaques.
- Desensitizing toothpaste
- Certain medications like painkillers and antibiotics are used.
Ayurvedic Treatment
In Ayurveda, various treatment protocols are used along with certain therapies for gum recession
Toothbrushing with Datun (Chewing sticks)
In ancient times herbal sticks were chewed in the morning and even after meals or any time, which helped in preventing many dental diseases. Nowadays, toothbrushing with a toothbrush is very common and is the only method used to clean the teeth among the maximum population. But using fresh herb sticks could control teeth attrition and facilitate teeth health. The sticks should be katu (acrid), tikta (bitter) and kshaya (astringent). But particularly in the case of receding gums, due to the high dominance of Vata dosha – one must use chewing sticks with a bitter taste or astringent taste such as – liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) or cutch tree (Acacia catechu).
Oil pulling
Oil-pulling therapy is very beneficial in receding gums. In texts, it is described as Kavala. It involves the swishing of oil (mainly coconut oil). This traditional remedy is helpful not only in receding gums but also prevents decay, bleeding gums, and dryness in the oral cavity, along with strengthening gums, teeth, jaw, tongue, and the whole body itself. Oil pulling is a powerful preventative detoxifying therapy.
Herbal Remedies for Gum Recession by Planet Ayurveda
Along with these therapies, herbal medicines for receding gums are prescribed for the best results. Planet Ayurveda Gum Care Pack for Gum Recession is one of the most popular and practical options for recovery. Planet Ayurveda is a leading manufacturing company of herbal medicines in India. It has been preparing several herbal medicines that are successfully treating several diseases worldwide. Their preparations are 100% pure and also free from any kind of preservatives. Gum Care Pack is one of their herbal formulations which is non-invasive and chemical-free. It restores the imbalance of doshas and treats gum recession. Planet Ayurveda’s Gum Care Pack for the management of Gum Recession includes
Gum Care Pack
Ingredients list
- Gum Care Powder
- Coral Calcium Complex
- Arjun Saar
Ingredients description
1. Gum Care Powder
The powder contains standard extracts of various herbs such as – Haritaki (Zingiber officianale), Poog (Areca catechu), Lavang (Syzygium aromaticum), Mustak (Cyperus rotundus), Khadir (Acacia catechu), Karpur (Cinnamomum camphora), Marich (Piper nigrum), Twak (Cinnamomum zeylanica), Sphatika (Alum), Sonth (zingiber officianale). This powder is useful in gum disorders such as bleeding gums, swollen gums, gum recession, gingivitis, etc. Massaging these herbs will saturate the gums and ultimately will benefit in gum recession. This herbal mixture has proved very beneficial in managing gum recession.
Dosage– Massage your gums along with teeth with 4-6 grams of powder
2. Coral Calcium Complex
This herbal remedy contains natural calcium compounds to treat a deficiency of calcium in case of dental disorders. Calcium is needed in ideal amounts to maintain dental health. Any shift in calcium levels leads to the degeneration of teeth, gum disease, etc other dental problems. Coral calcium complex is a natural source of calcium, that will maintain healthy calcium levels in your body naturally and overcome teeth and gum disorders.
Dosage– Have 1 capsule twice daily
3. Arjun Saar
This polyherbal preparation is a mixture of Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), and Amla (Emblica officinalis). Amla is a well-known Rasayana that is also considered a rebuilder of dental/oral health. It helps in the development of connective tissue and the overall health of gums is improved with regular use of this product.
Dosage– Rinse mouth well for 3-4 minutes after massaging with gum care powder.
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Early detection and treatment of Gum recession will stop its further progression and damage to teeth. Using traditional therapies will help to prevent gum recession and other dental problems. This could reduce the need for surgeries and grafting. Take good care of your oral hygiene because good oral health is necessary for good physical health. Keep your teeth and gums healthy with herbal medicines. For more guides and queries visit us at