Exploring the Potential Benefits of Apricot Kernels/Apricot Seeds in Cancer Treatment


Cancer is a disorder when somebody’s cells proliferate out of control and invade other bodily areas. Since the human body is composed of billions of cells, cancer can begin practically anywhere in the body. When the body needs new cells, human cells typically divide to produce them. We call this process multiplication and growth. New cells proliferate and replace old ones when they age or sustain harm. This article includes information about apricot seeds that are useful in the treatment of cancer.

Apricot Kernels/Apricot Seeds

Introduction Of Apricot Seeds

The apricot seed inside the fruit endocarp, which surrounds the seed with a tough covering known as the pyrena (stone or pit), is known as an apricot kernel. An excellent source of proteins, vitamins, and carbs is apricot kernel, a byproduct of apricot fruit. In addition, it may be formed into culinary components and utilized medicinally. The bioactive chemicals found in apricot kernels have been extracted using a variety of methods, including solvent extraction, ultra-sonication, enzyme-assisted, microwave-assisted, and aqueous extraction. Apricot kernels have the potential to lower blood pressure and combat several illnesses, including cancer and cancer immunotherapy. The kernel is also well-known for its wide range of industrial uses in a variety of disciplines of study and industries, including thermal energy storage, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and food.

Botanical Name Of Apricot

The little kernel that is trapped in the wood-like pit in the middle of the apricot fruit is called an apricot seed. The scientific term Prunus armeniaca refers to the apricot tree.

Nutritional And Chemical Composition Of Apricot Kernel

Grown throughout the world, apricots are regarded as delectable fruits that are well-known for their potential nutritional value and unique chemical makeup. The deadly cyanogenic glycoside amygdalin, which is generated from phenylalanine, is present in the kernel along with trace levels of prunasin, which is a precursor to the diglucoside amygdalin, a β-D-monoglucoside of R-maldonitrile. Particular β-glucosidases break down amygdalin and its precursor prunasin when tissue is disrupted, releasing poisonous hydrogen cyanide as a defense against generalist herbivores.

Benefits Of Apricot Kernels

  • Amygdalin, a naturally occurring chemical with potential anti-cancer effects, is abundant in apricot kernels.
  • Amygdalin may help shrink tumors and destroy cancer cells, according to some preliminary studies.
  • Moreover, antioxidants like vitamins A and C, which can help shield cells from harm and may even have anti-cancer properties, are abundant in apricot kernels.

Use Of Apricot Kernels In The Treatment Of Cancer

  • For decades, apricot kernels have been utilized as an all-natural, holistic cancer therapy.
  • Boiling the kernels in water to create tea is the most popular usage for them. Some people powder them, put them in capsules, or soak them in alcohol to create a tincture.
  • There is scientific proof that apricot kernels can be used to cure cancer. Amygdalin, a substance present in apricot kernels, has been demonstrated in studies to be able to destroy cancer cells in test tubes. It has also been demonstrated that amygdalin reduces animal cancers.

Some Side Effects Of Apricot Seeds

  • Apricot kernels have a few possible negative consequences, mostly when ingested in high amounts.
  • They consist of diarrhoea, vomiting, and nausea. Even if they are being used medicinally, apricot kernels should not be consumed by a few specific categories of people.
  • Because there is insufficient data to determine if apricot kernels are safe to consume during pregnancy and lactation, pregnant women and nursing mothers are advised to avoid them.
  • Furthermore, as their bodies might not be able to metabolize apricot kernels adequately, youngsters under the age of 18 should not consume them.
  • Lastly, because apricot kernels may cause negative responses, persons who are allergic to tree nuts or have a history of kidney stones should avoid consuming them.

Reference Of Apricot Kerenels In Ayurveda

The science of Ayurveda uploads the advantages of a healthy lifestyle. Three fundamental life pillars—Aahara (diet), Nidra (sleep), and Brahmacharya (celibacy)—are outlined in Ayurveda. The ideal diet for sustaining life is the Aahara diet, out of these three pillars. The Ayurvedic approach regards the Ahara (Diet) as the most effective form of preventative medicine and illness treatment. Various meal types have been mentioned by Acharyas (Aahar Varga). Aharavarga has a category called “Phala Varga,” which lists several fruits along with their respective qualities and medicinal ailments for which they are indicated. These days, there is an annual rise in the number of disorders, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Fruits, on the other hand, contain beneficial components that can help avoid severe illnesses.

Phala Varga In Charak

Ahara, or food or diet, is one of the key elements that nature offers for a healthy lifestyle. The old classics place more emphasis on Ahara’s role in promoting good health and preventing a variety of illnesses. Acharya Charaka has divided the Ahara Dravya (diet/food items) into twelve main Varga (classes) based on its diverse forms. It has been classed in a variety of ways. There is Phala-varga among them. Many fruit varieties such as Draksha (grapes), Paravat (guava), Mango, Jamuna, Bibhitaka (Terminalia bellerica), Anara (pomegranate), Almond, and Bhallatakasthi (Semecarpus anacardium) are added to this Varga. The arrangement of the Phala Varga is based on Rasas (Taste) starts with Madhura, also known as Mridwika (Vitis vinifera), and moves on to the Madhura-Amla, Madura-Kashaya, Amla, Katu-Tikta, and Kashaya orders.

Some Benefits Of Urumanu

गुरुुष्णस्निग्धमधुरा: सोरुमाणा बलप्रदा:|
वातघ्ना बृहणा वृष्या: कफपिताभिवर्धना :|| (चरक सूत्र २७/१४७ )

Apricots Are

  • Gurupaki (heavy to digest)
  • Ushna virya (hot potency)
  • Snigdha (oily)
  • Madhur (sweet)
  • Balakarka ( provide strength to the body)
  • Vatanashak (decreases vata in the body)
  • Increases pitta and kapha in the body


Preliminary data indicates that apricot kernels may have some anti-cancer capabilities. Many herbs are helpful in cancer but one of these is apricot seeds. Amygdalin, a substance found in apricot seeds, has long been associated with the possibility of treating cancer. On the other hand, the claims of apricot seeds as a cancer therapy are not supported by current research. Apricot seed ingestion raises the possibility of cyanide poisoning, underscoring the need to use cancer therapies that have been shown effective by science. There are various benefits of apricots described in Ayurvedic literature.

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is a Globally Renowned Ayurveda Physician with Expertise of more than 25 Years. He is the CEO & Founder of http://www.PlanetAyurveda.com, a leading Ayurveda Brand, Manufacturing, and Export Company with a Chain of Clinics and Branches in the US, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, and other parts of the World. He is also an Ayurveda Author who has written Books on Ayurveda, translated into Many European Languages. One of his Books is "Ayurveda – God’s Manual for Healing". He is on a Mission to Spread Ayurveda All Over the Planet through all the Possible Mediums. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of the Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit. Read More

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