गर्मियों में बेल का नहीं कोई मेल, शरीर के लिए अमृत
गर्मियों के मौसम में बढ़ती धूप के चलते हर गली, हर चौराहे पर बेल जूस रेहड़ी और दुकान पर मिलता
Read moreगर्मियों के मौसम में बढ़ती धूप के चलते हर गली, हर चौराहे पर बेल जूस रेहड़ी और दुकान पर मिलता
Read moreHypothyroidism is a common disorder of the thyroid gland in which thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone which
Read moreA brain tumor is the abnormal and rapid growth of cells in the brain. They can be classified as primary
Read moreIn this shloka, physical qualities of Vata dosha are explained. Qualities of Vata dosha are Rooksha: Dryness Laghu: Lightness Sheeta:
Read moreWhat are Meninges? Meninges are defined as the three membranes (the dura mater, arachnoid and pia mater) that line skull
Read moreLow blood pressure is also called hypotension. Abnormally low blood pressure can cause fainting and dizziness. Hypotension is a life-threatening
Read moreSunrays are not so healthy for your skin as too much sun can result in unsightly brown spots, burns and
Read moreAs Per Modern Aspect Chronic kidney disease is a progressive loss of kidney function over a period of several years.
Read moreIn this shloka, pathogenesis of eye disease (netra roga) is explained. Due to the unhealthy dietary and lifestyle habits, the
Read moreIn this shloka, symptoms of weak immunity are explained. The symptoms are Dislocation of body parts and vitiation of vata
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