Best Diet & Lifestyle Tips for Summer & Monsoon – May to September
The season changes every few months, and we have to adjust and adapt to the changes very quickly. Ayurveda has explained Ritucharya for this. According to Ayurveda, to keep ourselves healthy and avoid many seasonal diseases, we have to follow some rules every month. There is a diet, way of living and routine of life for each season, this will help in maintain the dosha (Humor – Vata, Pitta and Kapha) in a balanced state in very season.In this article we will discuss about the diet and lifestyle to be adopted according to Ritucharya.
With the change in weather, the change in the environment in which we live is very obvious. We see various changes in the bio-life around us, such as flowering in spring, shedding of leaves of plants in autumn, and many animals going into hibernation in the arrival of winter, etc. Since adaptation to changes is the key to survival, knowledge of Ritucharya (seasonality; diet for different seasons) is therefore important. People do not know or ignore the appropriate type of foods, clothing and other rules to be followed in a particular season, this leads to disturbance in homeostasis and causes various diseases like, diabetes, obesity, hypertension etc. Ritucharya is prominently discussed in first few chapters of Samhitas like in Ashtang Hridya, Charak Samhita etc.
What is Ritucharya?
Ritucharya is made up of two words Ritu and charya, Ritu means Season, Charya means follow.
Ritucharya includes diet, lifestyle, and seasonal routines which should be followed as per the requirement of particular season.
Classification of seasons according to Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, there are six seasons of two months each in a year.
- Shishir Ritu (Winter): Mid January- Mid March
- Vasant Ritu (Spring): Mid March- Mid May
- Grishma Ritu (Summer): Mid May – Mid July
- Varsha Ritu (Monsoon): Mid July- Mid September
- Sharad Ritu (Autumn): Mid September- Mid November
- Hemant (Late Autumn): Mid November- Mid January.
According to Ayurveda, the year is divided into two periods “Ayana” based on the movement and direction of the Sun, i.e. Uttarayana also known as Aadhaan-kaal and Dakshinayana also called Visarga-kaal.Shishir, Vasant, Grishma- Uttrayana or Aadan kaal (Nothward movement of sun).
Pacification and aggravation of Dosha according to season
Dosha | Vata | Pitta | Kapha |
Sanchya (Accumulation) | Greeshma | Varsha | Hemant |
Prakopa (Aggravation) | Varsha | Sharad | Hemant |
Prashamana (Pacification) | Sharad | Vasant | Greeshma |
Diet and Lifestyle that should be followed In Greeshma Ritu (summer season) and Varsha Ritu (Monsoon/ Rainy season):
1. Greeshma Ritu
This season is commonly known as summer season and is Jyeshtha and Ashadh in the Indian calendar. The predominant rasa (taste) is katu (pungent) and the panchamahabhutas are agni (fire) and vayu (air). During the summer season, the sun dries up the water element with its strong rays due to which the amount of water in the body also starts decreasing. As a result, Kapha dosha decreases day by day and as a result Vata dosha increases. The wind is in the north-west direction; the air is dry, warm, the sky is clear, the moonlight is pleasant. The atmosphere is bright and soft.
- Madhura (Sweet), Sheetal(cool foods) drava (liquid diet) and Snigdha (oily foods) are beneficial.
- Avoid usage of Katu (Pungent), Lavana (Salty) and amal rasa (Sour taste) and products containing these rasa (taste).
- If you want to drink alcohol, drink in moderation or don’t drink at all; Even if someone consumes it, mix it with plenty of water and drink it..
- Also should consume cold sweet tasting liquids like mantha (sattu), Panna (extract juice of ripe mango)
- Meat of animals or birds.
- Should consume ghee and milk along with rice.
- Should consume Panchasara: Madhu (Honey), Khajoor (Dates) munakka (raisins), Phalsa (Indian sherbet berry), Mishri (sugarcandy) and water; another name for the Manth formed by combining these five is Panchasar.
- Avoid heavy foods
- Consume buffalo’s milk at night time.
During the summer season, one should sleep in a cool room during the day and at night, sandalwood should be applied on the body and one should sleep on an open airy terrace, which is cooled by the rays of the moon.
- Should wear pearl
- Avoid sexual intercourse
- Avoid excessive exercise
- Avoid exposure to sunlight
- Wear light and thin clothes
- Moisten the body with sandalwood paste.
2. Varsha Ritu
This season is commonly known as the rainy season and in the Indian calendar it is Shravan and Bhadrapada. The rainy season is the first season of Adaan kaal. The predominant rasa (taste) is amal (sour) and the panchamahabhutas are earth and fire. The already low digestive fire of weak people becomes even weaker in this season due to Vata Dosha. There is aggravation of Vata dosha and accumulation of Pitta dosha. In this season the entire sky is filled with clouds. Westerly wind blew; the rivers were filled with water. During the rainy season, lightning flashes in the sky and storms accompanied by thunder are quite common. Due to moisture in the soil and plants, moisture in the body also increases.
- Madhura (Sweet), Amal (Sour), Lavana (Salty) taste are beneficial in the rainy season- these three tastes increase the strength of the patient.
- Ushna (hot) and snigdha (untasty) food should be consumed.
- Food and drinks should be taken with honey
- Rain water, well water should be drunk and water should be boiled before drinking.
- River water, barley (sattu), buttermilk should be avoided.
- One should drink medicinal rice and water mixed with honey.
- Salty, sour food should be consumed.
- Foods made from old grains, wheat and rice and processed meat soups should be consumed.
3. Lifestyle
- Avoid sleeping during day time
- Avoid exposure to sun
- Avoid excessive exercise
- Avoid over indulging in sexual intercourse
- Should wear clean and light clothes
- The body should be rubbed with coarse medicinal powder
- Massage with medicated oil and take regular bath
- Living in a place where there is no humidity
- Should use perfumes.
- The body should be purified by Panchakarma procedures like Vamana (medicinal emesis) Virechana (medicinal purgation) and after purifying the body Basti (medicinal enema) should be given.
Season has a great impact on body humors resulting in aggravation, accumulation and pacification. Man should follow a strict diet and lifestyle according to the season to attain a healthy life. These are some purification measures to eliminate unwanted toxins during summer and monsoon season. Ayurveda greatly adopted a daily diet and seasoning diet to live a healthy life.