Bartholin Cyst- A Hindrance In Sexual Pleasure, Natural Treatment
Bartholin cyst is the cyst formed by the obstruction of the bartholin gland (glands present on both sides of the vaginal opening). The obstruction leads the fluid back up in the gland and forms painless swelling known as bartholin cyst. But on the other side there is hindrance in sexual pleasure. As per ayurveda it is correlated to yonikanda in which tubular growth occurs at the vagina. It’s simple to treat with ayurvedic herbs. Don’t worry it’s not a cancerous growth it’s just a simple cyst. So now have proper information on bartholin cyst, its cause, symptoms and ayurvedic perspective along with ayurvedic treatment.
Firstly we are going to study bartholin glands, these glands are pea sized and situated on both the sides of the vaginal opening. How does bartholin cyst occur? – It occurs after the blockage of bartholin glands and the blockage leads to the backflow of the fluid to bartholin glands. If the fluid becomes infected and there is the collection of pus surrounding the inflamed tissue then an abscess is formed. As per ayurveda it is known as yonikanda- tubular growth in the vagina. Its treatment depends upon the size, whether it is infected and how painful the cyst is. Sometimes it is treatable with certain and simple home remedies and in some cases a treatment is needed. Ayurvedic treatment is very affected in infected and painful cases, let’s have a look.
Symptoms of Bartholin cyst
Symptoms are not noticeable in small, painless and non-infected bartholin cysts. In spite of the fact the cyst is not painful whether it can be tender. If cyst persists for longer terms then it becomes infected and the following symptoms may be experienced by you.
- Typically occurs on one side of the vaginal opening
- Painful and tender lump around the vaginal opening
- Patient face discomfort while sitting and walking
- Fever
- Hindrance in sexual intercourse
So if any of you are feeling such symptoms then you have to visit the doctor for an exact diagnosis and start the treatment as soon as possible.
How bartholin cyst hinders the sexual contact
As we know that a bartholin cyst occurs at the opening of vagina. So, during the sexual contact when continuous irritation occur to the bartholin cyst then the swelling and pain elevates to such an extent that it causes so much discomfort while sexual intercourse and female and male partners both get suffered from this. Don’t worry we are here with a solution of the same. Let’s read further and get the solution.
Causes of Bartholin cyst
The main leading cause is the obstruction of bartholin glands which cause the backflow of the fluid in the gland. On the other side it may caused by any infection or injury to the bartholin glands. The bacteria that are responsible for infection are- E.coli (Escherichia coli) and the bacteria responsible for sexually transmitted disease such as- Neisseria gonorrhoeae, chlamydia trachomatis, etc. So keep yourself away from these causes so that you are not affected by bartholin cyst.
Diagnosis of Bartholin cyst
For diagnosis a doctor may take proper medical history, here are some steps for diagnosis of bartholin cyst.
- A proper pelvic examination
- For examining any sexually transmitted disease a sample of vaginal or cervical secretion is taken and send to the lab for investigation
- A biopsy for examining any kind of cancerous cells if a patient is in postmenopausal period.
Ayurvedic view of Bartholin cyst
As per ayurveda bartholin cyst is correlated to yonikanda- as you studied already it causes a cyst on the vaginal opening and it will cause a painful hindrance in sexual intercourse. Now we will study all about yonikanda.
Symptoms of yonikanda: Yonikanda is of four types- vataja yonikanda, pittaja yonikanda, kaphaja yonikanda and tridoshaj yonikanda. Symptoms may vary in all the four types. Now we are going to study the symptoms as per each type.
- Vataja yonikanda (ma. ni. 63/3): In this type the cyst is dry, rough, discolored and with a crackling appearance.
- Pittaja yonikanda (ma. ni. 63/3): Here a cyst is associated with redness, burning sensation and fever.
- Kaphaj yonikanda (ma. ni. 63/4): The color of yonikanda is like the flower of atsi or tila i.e. bluish in color also associated with itching.
- Tridoshaj yonikanda (ma. ni. 63/4): This type of yonikanda is associated with the features of all the above three types.
Causes of yonikanda (ma. ni 63//1)
- Day sleeping
- Excessive anger
- Excessive exercise
- Excessive sexual intercourse
- Injury by nail, thorns or teeths
Home remedies for Bartholin cyst
Home remedies work 100% in case of non-infected cyst but in case of infected cyst home remedies may alleviate the symptoms only and you may have to proceed for the treatment side also. Here are a few home remedies for bartholin cyst.
- Sitz bath: It can alleviate pain, swelling and discomfort occur in the bartholin cyst. This bath even helps in proper curing of small sized cysts and ruptures them to drain. Steps to take a sitz bath are: fill a tub with warm water up to several inches. Keep sitting in water for approx 15 minutes. Repeat this bath several times a day and up to 3-4 days or till the symptoms get subsided or till the time a patient is seeking a treatment.
- Tea tree oil and castor oil: A mixture of tea tree oil or castor oil is to be applied over the cyst. Doing this will lead to the drainage of the cyst. You may use hot compress of the tea tree oil by putting it on the gauze, hold it for 15 minutes.
- Apple cider vinegar: Dilute the apple cider vinegar by adding sterile water to it and apply it over the cyst. It helps in the drainage of the cyst.
For reducing fever in bartholin cyst you have to follow the below steps:
- Drink plenty of fluids over a day
- Keep the level of room temperature at the comfortable levels
- Cold compress on the forehead
Ayurvedic treatment for bartholin cyst
Bartholin cyst as per ayurveda is treated according to yonikanda. In yonikanda the cyst is formed by the imbalance of doshas and if the doshas are managed to the normal levels then the disease must be treatable. If the disease is having only one dosha aggregation then it is simply to treat and if all the tridosha are aggravated then the treatment may be a little bit longer. It is treatable with herbal formulations and planet ayurveda formed the herbal formulations for the treatment of bartholin cyst. Here we are mentioning herbal formulations by Planet ayurveda.
Herbal formulations For bartholin Cyst by Planet ayurveda
Planet ayurveda is the holistic ayurvedic clinic. It formulates all the herbal remedies for treating the disease by removing its root cause. All the herbal formulations are made under the supervision of M.D. doctors. These herbal remedies are free from any kind of added preservatives, color, fiber, starch and any other additives or synthetic material. Now let’s discuss the formulations for treating bartholin cyst and all about the properties of formulations and how they treat the disease.
This rasayan contains shuddh gandhak (purified sulphhur). It rejuvenates the skin along with maintaining the overall health by detoxifying the body. Especially it supports female health by maintaining hormone levels. Also it alleviates the swelling and pain along with that it treats infections and purifies the blood. So it is very beneficial in treating the swelling and pain in bartholin cyst along with that it can also treat the bartholin abscess.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with lukewarm water.
These herbal tablets contain 10 ingredients- kanchnaar bark (Bauhinia variegata), amalaki (Emblica officinalis), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), bhibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), trikatu [ginger (Zingiber officinale), black pepper (Piper nigrum) and pippali (Piper longum)], varuna (Crataeva religiosa), cardamom (Eletaria cardamomum), cinnamon (Cinnamomum vermum), tejpatra (Cinamomum tamala) and guggul (Commiphora mukul). Kanchnaar guggul helps in getting rid of all types of swellings like lumps, cysts and any other nodular extra growths. It is anti-bacterial in nature and also alleviates kapha dosha, both these properties are helpful in treating the bartholin cyst so, it is recommended in case of bartholin cyst.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with plain water.
These capsules contain three natural ingredients- ashok (Saraca ashoka), lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) and shatavari (Asparagus racemosus). All these three natural ingredients are helpful in managing a female’s health. Ashoka- its main role is to balance vata dosha, control burning due to its pitta pacifying property and along with that it relievs the pain. Lodhra- it consists of great healing properties, it reduces the inflammation and along with that reduces the fluid content. Shatavari- it also gives strength to the female health system by maintaining hormone levels in the female body. As these capsules contain a lot of beneficial properties for treating bartholin cyst hence, it could be given in relieving swelling, pain and managing the overall health of the female.
Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily after meals with plain water.
This herbal soap consists of certain ingredients like- coconut oil (Coconut nucifera), castor oil (Ricinus communis), rose extract (Rosa domestica), cotton seed oil (Gossypium herbaceum), plam oil (Elaeis guineensis), evening primrose oil (Rosa domestica), sugar, sodium hydroxide. Wash the vaginal area with this soap. It reduces the swelling, pain and discomfort in the bartholin cyst.
Directions to use: Wash bartholin cyst with this herbal soap at least 3-4 times a day. Apply the soap on the wet vaginal area and then rinse it with simple water.
This is classical herbal juice contains- pure Arjun juice (Terminalia arjuna), pure amla juice (Emblica officinalis) and permitted preservative. This juice contains cooling and astringent properties and hence helps in calming the burning sensation, reducing pain and swelling.
Directions to use: mix 3 spoons of arjun saar along with ¼ spoon of sphatika bhasma in 500 ml of water and rinse the vaginal area 3-4 times a day or after every urination.
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So here we explained all about the bartholin cyst, how it occurs and how it causes hindrance in sexual contact. After that the fact comes that in early stages it may be treatable with some home remedies and if the cyst gets infected then herbal remedies plays a great role in the treatment of bartholin cyst. Planet ayurveda forms some herbal remedies that are beneficial for the treatment of bartholin cyst by consuming them and also some herbal remedies mentioned for direct appliance on the cyst area that alleviates the pain and discomfort in the case of bartholin cyst. For any other query feel free to contact planet ayurveda we are always here to help with you.