Ayurvedic Treatment of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the second most common type of infection which is a one of the most serious health issues affecting many people every year. Anatomical structures of the Urinary tract which are involved in the formation, storage and formation of the urine are kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra. Normally urine consists of metabolic wastes like salts, water and toxins like urea. When there is presence of the RBCs, WBCs, proteins, pus cells, sugar etc indicates that there are pathological changes in the different parts of the urinary tract. This infection can be very serious when it occurs in men because UTI in women is more common than the Men. Pregnant women are more prone to this infection than a normal woman. It can lead to serious health issues like kidney damage, low birth weight, sepsis etc. So, proper management is required. But we all know that there are so any side effects of the allopathic medications, but there is also a solution for treating persons with UTI without any side effect and i.e. Ayurveda.
An infection which is present in the organs making the urinary tract and urine are called Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Urinary tract infection (UTI) involves the infection in the organs i.e. kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra, but mostly infection occurs in the lower organs like urinary bladder and urethra. These types of infections need urgent medical attention because if they are left untreated, they can cause permanent damage to our kidneys. As per Ayurveda aspect, all types of urinary tract infections can be correlated with the Mutrakricchra. When all the doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) get vitiated separately by their causes or when all of them get together, get located in the kidneys or urinary bladder and press the urinary passage, then the person urinates with very much difficulty.
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Urinary tract infections occur due to the entry of bacteria or pathogens through the urethra then into the urinary bladder and from there into the kidneys. Some other causes which are responsible for the urinary tract infections are:
- When women use diaphragm in order to avoid the pregnancy, make the women more prone to the infection
- Unhygienic conditions such as improper hand washing increase the risk of urinary tract infection
- Sexual intercourses increase the chances of having urinary tract infection
- Menopause, spinal cord injury etc. can cause the infection as well
- Immunocompromised patients like HIV or diabetes are at higher risk of having the infection
- Enlargement of the prostate gland in the men can cause Urinary tract infection in the men
- Catheterization is done when a person having problem in the urination, is one of the main cause of Urinary tract infection
According to Ayurveda, causes may include:
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- Excessive physical exertion
- Intake of irritant drugs, rough food items and alcoholic wines
- Riding on a fast-moving vehicle
- Overeating meat of the marshy animals and fishes
- Indigestion
Symptoms of the urinary tract infection depend upon the infected part. In general these symptoms are divided into two groups one is symptoms of lower urinary tract infection and another one is upper urinary tract symptoms infection.
Lower urinary tract infection symptoms may include:
- Blood in the urine
- Pelvic pain in the women but in men there is rectal pain
- Cloudy urination
- Burning sensation in the urine
- Increased urgency of passing of urine
- Urine with the strong odor
- Urine color looks like tea or cola
- Frequency of the urine without passing so much urine
Upper urinary tract infection symptoms include:
- Chills
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Tenderness and pain in the upper back and sides
Infection of urinary tract can occur in different parts, on the basis of parts it is divided into different types:
- Acute pyelonephritis- When kidneys are effective it causes symptoms like pain in the upper back and flanks, high grade fever, chills, nausea, vomiting etc.
- Cystitis- When the bladder is involved in the infection causing pelvic pressure, blood in the urine, lower abdominal discomfort, frequent or painful urination etc.
- Urethritis- infection in the urethra causes discharge and burning sensation while urinating.
Types according to Ayurveda context are:
- Vataj
- Pittaj
- Kaphaj
- Sannipataj
- Abhighataj
- Sakritaj
- Ashmarij
- Sharkaraj
Urinary tract infections are most common in the women than men, risk factors specific to women are;
- Female anatomy- Female urethra is smaller than the men, so there is a less distance for bacteria to travel to reach the bladder.
- Birth control methods- Women using birth control methods like diaphragms are at higher risk of having urinary tract infection.
- Sexual activity- Sexually active females are more prone toward the infection than the sexually inactive women. Having a new sex partner increase the risk of urinary tract infection.
- Menopause- when the menopause occurs, estrogen gets decreased causing changes in the urinary tract that makes it more prone to the infection.
Other risks factors may include:
- Blockage in the urinary tract
- Abnormalities in the urinary tract
- Suppressed immune system
- Any recent urinary procedure
When the urinary tract is treated properly, it rarely leads to any type of complication. But if is left untreated it can cause serious complications, which may include:
- Recurrent infections especially in females with two or more times urinary tract infection in less than six-month period or four to five times in a year.
- Urethral stricture in the men having recurrent urethritis
- Permanent kidney damage or Chronic kidney disease
- Septicemia
- Hydronephrosis
- In case of pregnant females low birth weight of baby or premature delivery
Procedures and tests helpful in diagnosing the urinary tract infection may include:
- Urine analysis
- CT (Computerized tomography)
- MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging)
- Cystoscopy
- Growing the bacteria of urinary tract in the laboratory
- Intravenous pyelogram (IVP)
- USG (Ultrasound)
1. Treatment procedures- Usually treatment procedures are not required for Urinary Tract Infection, but in chronic conditions Panchakarma procedures are required.
- Snehana (should do oral administration of medicated ghrita or oils) – This has the ability to transport effective components to Urinary Tract tissues which is effective in achieving neurological control and tone of the bladder musculature.
- Swedana (Steaming or heating procedures) – The conditions in which pitta is dominant, steaming should not be done, but can be done in all other doshas dominancy.
- Vamana (Medicated emesis) – It is useful in Kapha predominant Urinary Tract Infection vamana is highly effective.
- Virechana (Medicated purgation) – It is a very useful method for the treatment of urine infection. Herbal purgatives are given for the cleansing in order to eliminate blockage of pathways of the urine.
- Basti (Medicated enema) – It is the most effective Ayurvedic procedure for cleansing the srotas (subtle channels). These procedures are effective in maintaining muscular tone, normal PH, and neurological control of the bladder which is useful in chronic and recurring Urinary Tract Infections.
- Uttara Basti- This is totally different from common basti procedure in the way of its administration, quantity and ingredients. In this procedure, medicine is administered to the urinary bladder through urethral route which is very useful in chronic Urinary Tract Infection.
2. Diet and lifestyle- Some dietary and lifestyle tips may include:
- Ayurveda suggests a diet which alleviates the vitiated doshas which cause urinary tract infection and will promote urination.
- Drinking sufficient quantities of water daily will help in eliminating bacteria out from the system.
- Always try to wear loose fitting and cotton clothing and underwear.
- Always wear dry clothes after bath.
- Person should always follow good personal hygiene especially during menstrual bleeding and a habit of wiping from front to back after defecation should be there.
3. Yoga- Some yoga which are useful by stimulating and preserving health of the genito-urinary tract are as follows;
- Bhujangasana
- Surya namaskar
- Dhanurasana etc.
4. Home Remedies- Some home remedies which can be helpful in managing the urinary tract infection or stay from it rae:
- Unsweetened Cranberry juice- Drink 240ml of cranberry juice daily but that juice shouldn’t carry any artificial recipes along with it. It is effective in pregnant ladies.
- Garlic- This prevents the occurrence of the disease due to presence of allicin which remains active while crushing a fresh garlic and also has antimicrobials. Allicin is helpful in eradication of many bacteria.
- Use Clove oil- Clove oil is very effective in relieving the pain as it contains eugenol which is the enemy of the bacteria and clean the bladder bomb.
- Tea tree oil- If this applied directly; it makes bacteria vaporize but never drink it. It blocks the pathway of the bacteria i.e. E.coli but it is easier in men than the women because it can’t be inserted in the vagina.
- Baking soda- Baking soda reduces the acidity and maintains the ph of the urine. Mix 2 or 3 spoons of powder with plain water, drink it for a few days and provide relief in the pain.
- Apple Cider Vinegar- This doesn’t allow the bacteria to grow or spread the bacteria as it acts as a natural antibiotic. Mix it with a huge glass of drinking water and drink it two times a day. You can add honey for sweetness according to the taste.
5. Herbal Remedies- Planet Ayurveda provides a combination of the herbal remedies (UTI care pack) which are very useful in treating the urinary tract infection are 100% natural and pure without any chemicals, binder, filler, starch, color, yeast, additives or preservatives and side effects are there. The remedies included in the pack are as follows:
These capsules of Planet Ayurveda work as an excellent diuretic which shows effective results in treating the urinary tract infection by rejuvenating the urinary tract. These capsules also provide relief in pain and swelling, speed up the wound healing process, useful in treating the hemorrhoids etc. These are made up of the pure extract of the Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa).
Dosage- 2 capsules twice daily with warm water after meal.
2. Gokshuradi Guggul
Dosage- 2 tablets twice daily with warm water after meal.
3. Varunadi Vati
This herbal classical product of the Planet Ayurveda is effective against the urinary tract infection because it reduces the painful urination and also has antimicrobial property which means this herb kills the microorganisms responsible for the urinary tract infection. These are also helpful in providing relief in swelling and inflammation of urethra. This remedy consists of four useful herbs: Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris), Varun (Crataeva nurvala) and Shuddha Guggulu (Commiphora mukul).
Dosage- 2 tablets twice daily with warm water after meal.
4. Chandanadi Vati
Dosage- 2 tablets twice daily with warm water after meal.
5. Reno Plan Syrup
Dosage- 2 tsp twice daily with warm water after meal.
This article entails that Ayurvedic procedures, lifestyle and dietary changes, yoga and herbal remedies of Planet Ayurveda possess antioxidant, antibacterial, nephroprotective, diuretic, anti-urolithiatic and anti-inflammatory properties without any toxicity or side effects and these are effective in reducing morbidity and complications in Urinary Tract Infection. These herbs will manage the Urinary tract infection and also reduce the chances of painful prick of antibiotics in children. Therefore careful use of these Ayurvedic herbs will definitely prove to be beneficial in management of Urinary tract infection. For further queries you can visit our clinic at Mohali, Punjab or contact us at: herbalremedies123@yahoo.com.