Alternative Medicines for ITP, Bleeding Disorder (Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura)
ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenia purpura) is an autoimmune disease characterized by a low platelet count, Purpura (purple spots, patches in body) and hemorrhagic episodes. Thrombocytopenia is a condition where there are abnormally low levels of platelets in the blood which can cause increased risk of bleeding. ITP may affect the individuals of all age groups,with peaks during childhood or in the adult age group. Bleeding is the common manifestation of ITP. Thrombocytopenia is caused by antibodies that react with glycoprotein in platelets. That shortened the survival of circulating platelet and impaired platelet production. There are two types of classification: Primary and Secondary ITP. In adults it is common due to spontaneous recurrence. This may occur within months of initial diagnosis and ends up within a six month or a year.
ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura) is an autoimmune disease which is characterized by low platelet count in the body. Where the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys the platelets of its own body. Platelet is also known as thrombocytes. Thrombocytes are small disc shaped blood cells that help form clots to stop bleeding and wound healing. ITP is most often in children and adults. A common symptom in females is heavy menstrual bleeding.
The cause of the ITP is unknown but it is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system errors and may be triggered by pregnancy or viral infection or any other immune system disorder.
There are mainly two types Acute or Chronic<
- Acute: It usually affects children and may last for 6 months.
- Chronic: It usually affects adults, in which illness may last for months or years.
- Bruising
- Bleeding gums
- Nose bleeds
- Blood in urine
- Blood in stool
- Bleeding that is hard to stop
- Heavy menstrual bleeding
- Medical History: Reviewing medication, Infection ,or any condition which may be contributing to low platelet counts.
- Blood test: CBC (platelet in your blood), Peripheral blood smear ( follow up test for abnormal platelet), Platelet Antibody (that checks antibodies in blood that attacks platelets).
- Bone Marrow aspiration: A procedure that involves removing a small amount of liquid from bone marrow for examination.
- Immunosuppressants: Target and remove immune cells from the body.
- Corticosteroids: In it medications like prednisone to remove inflammation and increase platelet count.
- Platelet Transfusion: To help rapidly increase platelet in our body
- Splenectomy: surgical removal of spleen .It may help to increase platelet count.
According to Ayurvedic Aspect
Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpure is considered as Raktapitta vikar in which rakta dhatu (Blood Tissue) and pitta vikara is imbalanced.
- Imbalance of pitta doshas: May lead to excessive bleeding , inflammation in the body that causes platelet destruction.
- Agni Mandya: Means weak digestion (agni) can lead to accumulation of toxins (Ama) which trigger ITP.
- Rakta Dhatu Vikriti: Imbalance or vitiated blood cells can lead to ITP.
Ayurvedic Treatment
- Lifestyle modification, Meditation and yoga, Avoid excessive physical exercises, Avoid stress. Proper sleep and diet.
- Raktastambhana : Herbs like Aswagandha ( Withania somnifera), Haritaki ( Terminalia chebulla) help to stop bleeding and promote platelets.
- Pitta Pacifying Herbs: Herbs which help in balancing the pitta dosha are Shatavari ( Asparagus racemosus), Katuki ( Picrorhiza Kurroa), Amalaki ( Indian gooseberry, Emblica Officinalis).
- Rasayan Therapies: Rejuvenating therapies like panchkarma helps to promote overall health and it will help to remove harmful toxins from the body.
- Dietary Changes: Avoid Pitta vardhak aahar vihara which aggravates pitta doshas in the body.
Herbal Remedies For ITP By Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda provides the best medication for ITP ( Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura). These medications are made up of the best quality herbs because they follow the basic principles of ayurveda.Their medicines are free from harmful chemicals and there are no side effects on our body. For ITP Planet Ayurveda has ITP care pack which includes:
- Ashwagandha Capsule
- Gandhak Rasayan
- Green Essential
- Giloy Capsule
- Kumar Kalyan Ras
- Immune Booster
- Brahmi Chyawanprash
- Suvarna Vasant Malti Ras
Product Description
1. Ashwagandha Capsule
These are prepared using Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) which is a commonly used drug in ayurveda. It has many beneficial properties and multiple functions. In Planet Ayurveda Ashwagandha capsules are made up of good and standardised quality of herbs used in it. It helps to support our reproductive system, endocrine system, and nervous system.
Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily after meals with plain water.
2. Gandhak Rasayan
Gandhak Rasayan is made up of shuddha gandhak (Purified sulphur) . It helps in balancing tridoshas (Body energies). They are made up of pure herbs and free from chemicals. It helps in maintaining a healthy Skin and vascular system. Also this formulation enhances the effect of other formulations as it acts as a natural steroid.
Dosage: 2 tablets two times daily with plain water.
3. Green Essential Capsule
The product is made up of herbs which are enriched with essential nutrients and helps to fulfil the daily requirement of our body. They are made up of Green tea (Camellia sinuses), Wheat grass (Triticum aestivum) and many other herbs. This formulation balances the doshas especially Pitta dosha and clears all the obstructions.
Dosage: 2 Capsule two times daily with plain water.
4. Giloy Capsules
Giloy capsule is made up of single herb extract like guduchi ( Tinospora cordifolia) which helps in balancing all the tridoshas ( vata, pitta, kapha) in the body . This capsule will promote healthy functioning of the Immune system, Digestive system, Blood vascular system.
Dosage: 1 capsule two times daily with plain water.
5. Kumar Kalyan Ras
It is a classical formulation used only in kumaras ( Children) It is made up of herbs, different types of minerals and their ashes. In Planet Ayurveda, this formulation is made up of standard and good quality herbs like Shuddha parad ( purified mercury), Loh bhasma (Iron ash), Swarna bhasma (Ash of Gold) and many more. This formulation is very good and effective in managing autoimmune disorders like ITP as it boosts the Immune System and Helps in increasing the Platelet counts.
Dosage: 1 tablet twice a day with plain water.
6. Immune booster Capsules
Immune booster capsules from planet ayurveda is a capsule preparation which is made up of herbs like Bhumiamla ( Phyllanthus niruri), Amalaki ( Emblica officinalis) and many other herbs. It helps in boosting the immune power and alleviates bruises or does not cause any side effects.
Dosage: 2 capsules two times daily with plain water.
7. Brahmi Chyawanprash
This is made up of herbs like Bramhi (Bacopa monnieri), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Dashmoola (Root of ten herbs)etc. This formulation is mainly used in nervous disorders and boosting the immune system of the body. Along with this it also possesses ANtioxidant, Antimicrobial and rejuvenative properties thus helpful in managing ITP.
Dosage: 1 tsp twice a daily with plain water.
8. Suvarna Vasant Malti Ras
It is a classical herbo mineral formulation formed by planet ayurveda. It made up of natural herbs like Shuddha hingula (Cinnabar in purified form), Marich ( Piper nigrum), Swarna bhasma ( Ash of gold), Mukta bhasma, Nimb swaras ( Extract of lemon) and many others. They are mainly used in pacifying of vata and kapha doshas. This is mainly called rasayana in ayurveda and mainly helps in maintaining healthy functioning of the body.
Dosage: 1 tablet twice a day with plain water.
In this article we have concluded the topic ITP ( Immune Thrombocytopenia purpura) as It is a disease caused by low platelet count in the body. In this we have studied the causes, types, symptoms, investigation and treatment and also ayurvedic overview and ayurvedic treatment. So Diet and lifestyle change may also have a good impact on ITP Patients and the disease can be managed very well. So adapt Ayurveda and keep yourself healthy and disease free.