How To Gain Weight After Ulcerative Colitis Healing
Ulcerative colitis is the most prevalent malady nowadays, it is due to the intake of an unhygienic diet and sedentary lifestyle. We are focusing on eating packed, processed junk food due to the busy schedule of working life also due to that we are unable to perform physical exercises, due to that functioning of our digestive system also got hampered, giving rise to various malabsorption related disorder one such ailment is ulcerative colitis seems in every 1 to 10 out of 100,000 people. There are various causative factors that lead to generation of this ailment. When a person suffers from this for a longer duration of time it results in further complications one such as weight loss. Ayurveda shows great results in patients suffering from this so lets start discussing it in detail.
Ulcerative colitis is defined as formation of inflammatory processes in the form of ulcers over the inner lining of the large intestine in the region of rectum and colon. Large intestine of the human body is the last part of the alimentary tract that plays a major role in absorption of water and food is stored in the form of fecal matter in this. It has 3 main parts: colon (ascending colon, transverse colon and descending colon), caecum and rectum. According to ayurvedic overview we can correlate ulcerative colitis with kshataj grehni
Ayurvedic overview of weight loss in patient of ulcerative colitis
This explains a complete procedure why a patient of ulcerative colitis suffers from the complaints of weight loss.
- According to ayurveda each and every ailment in our body arises due to the diminished digestive fire and this was explained by our ancient acharya in this classical verse “roga serve api mandagani sutran udrani”.If digestive fire (agni) is irregular in proportion it will lead to disequilibrium in dhatus (essential organs) because of the irregular digestion of food we consume and if it (agni) gets intense in amount it will dry up the dhatus means there will be malabsorption in formation of the dhatu. The seven dhatus of our body [ras (fluid), rakta (blood), mansa(muscles), med (adipose tissue and fat), asthi (bones), majja (bone marrow) and shukra (semen)] follow the “kedari kulya nyaya” for their formation. According to this ancient theory-
- Nourishment of body tissue and organs can be linked with the irrigation of different fields of crops by one canal of water, like water flow in one chamber of a cropped field it will go automatically to the other interlinked chambers also.
- Similarly to that firstly rasa dhatu of our body gets nourishment from food we intake then it goes symmetrical to further dhatus (rasa to rakta then to mansa, med,asthi, maja and shukra). Due to this patients of ulcerative colitis experience issues of weight loss as the absorption process gets altered in them.
Causes (Nidana of kshataj grehni)
It includes the factors responsible for giving rise to an ailment.
The causes are as follows
- Person with pitta prakriti.
- Consumption of of katu (spicy), amala (sour), lavana (salty) rasa in abundant quantity
- Excessive intake of Ushana(hot) and teekshna (penetrating) dravya (herbs)
- Excess anger.
- Overeating
- Viruddha ahara sewana (Intake of unhygienic diet)
- Vega dharna (Controlling of natural urges of urine and stool)
- Over use of alkalis (kshara) products.
It means the complete process that leads to formation of an ailment starting from an etiological factor to the generation of disease.
- Excess use of Pitta vardhak ahaar-vihar (diet aggravating pitta dosha of our body) leads to aggravation of pitta and rakta Dosha. Then these simultaneously vitiated Doshas toxifies the pakvashaya (large intestine) leads to formation of kshat (ulcer) over the inner lining of large intestine that does bhedana of feces (stool becomes loose) due to the ushana (hot), drava (liquid) and sara guna (properties) of pitta dosha.
Common symptoms (Samanya lakshan of ulcerative colitis as per ayurveda)
It includes the complaints along with patient presents in front of a physician.
The Symptoms Comprises of
- Excessive diarrhea (drav mala pravriti)
- Blood mixed diarrhea (raktamishrit mala pravriti)
- Pain in abdomen (shoola)
- Polydipsia (excessive thirst)
- Burning sensation in the rectum and colon part of large intestine (guda)
- Formation of ulcers in the anal canal (gudapaka)
- Mucus mixed stool ( kapha mishrit mala)
Herbals remedies for weight gaining after ulcerative colitis healing are as follow
1. Dietary tips
Start adding below listed food products in your diet
- Banana with curd– as a banana is enriched with various nutrients such as potassium,magnesium, manganese and vitamins B6 , when we mix curd a very good probiotic with it it will help you in providing bulk to our body that will assist you in increasing body weight in a healthy way.
- Pulao with soya chunks– choose brown rice for making the pulao as they have various healthy properties like as rich in good fibre content, calcium, iron and magnesium and soya chunks are also known for their great quality as they are packed with rich protein content and protein are very necessary for increasing the weight of our body.
- Drink almond milk or soya milk with 1 banana daily in the morning- as they are enriched with healthy fats and vitamin E it possesses good antioxidant properties that will help you in reducing the inflammation and stress. Bananas are considered as a good source to increase body weight in a healthy and generous way.So this combo will help you very efficiently in weight gaining after ulcerative colitis healing.
2. Engage yourself in yoga and pranayama
This will help you in providing strength and will increase the flexibility of your body,as these yogic posture help you in balancing the hormonal level and improves the body digestion this will increase your appetite due to that you will consume proper diet and eventually it will help you in increasing your body weight after healing from ulcerative colitis.
3. Herbal formulations of planet Ayurveda
They are also very effective in weight gaining as their products are made under the guidance and supervision of ayurveda experts. Some of their products are:
1. Nourish Maxx Powder
This herbal formulation is a magnificent combination of herbs that are enrich with properties like balya (provide strength to our body) bhrimaneeya (improves body mass) so this joint formulation of herbs like ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) works very profoundly in increasing body weight after you got complete healing from ulcerative colitis like ailment.
Dosage: 1 teaspoon twice daily with plain water.
2. Nature Amino Powder
This powder formulation of herbal medicines work very efficiently in providing strength and stamina to your body as it contains features like natural nervine tonic, maintain good cholesterol level within the body, source of protein that will aid you in increasing body weight in a healthy and generous way after ulcerative colitis healing it contains herbs like soyabean (Dolichos soja), ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), gokshura (Tribulus terrestris).
Dosage: 1 teaspoon twice or thrice daily with plain water after a meal.
Now we can conclude that by following the above mentioned dietary and lifestyle modification we can surely attain a healthy body weight, all we need to do is to start adding these above mentioned key points in our life and the two products of planet ayurveda- Nourish max and Nature amino works really efficiently in gaining body weight after healing of ulcerative colitis. You can buy these products from their official online store.planetayurveda.